First Day Of High school

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'' Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine, You guys are on my mind. ''

[Y/N] Oh no the alarm clock!Today is my first day at the new High school, High School Wawanakwa, that doesn't let new people in anymore.i am so nervous tbh.. everyone already knows each other and i don't !!

She started getting ready after some time. Y/N first washed her face so she wouldn't fall asleep on her first day and make a bad impression . She put her new uniform on and put some jewelry to accessorize the basic fit.After that Y/N went in the kitchen to eat her breakfast and left right afterwards.

At school:Y/N arrived on time!Almost everyone was there already waiting to find out who they are in class with.Everyone was shocked to see somebody new.
[Lindsay]:Who's that girl ?Did somebody had a big glow up?
[Heather]:Lord..She is new, Lindsay.
[Lindsay]:But Chris said that nobody new will come!
[Duncan]:It's Chris what can you expect..

Y/N tried to approach Dj first because he was playing with a bunny and Y/N love animals.

[DJ]:Oh hello there!You look new. I am DJ and this is my friend Bunny!said Dj with enthusiasm;

Everyone except some people started approaching Y/N and DJ to find stuff about the new girl.Alejandro took advantage of the fact that everyone except him and Heather went to Y/N and went to talk with Heather about their personal problems from a couple days ago.

[Alejandro]:I still don't understand how everything went off between us, chica.
[Heather]:Everything went downhill because of your idiotic brother,i feel like he said some bad stuff about me to your parents and told mine red flags of yours!! We cannot do anything anymore as you know since both of our parents said that we can only see each other at school but nothing more that strangers.

10 minutes later Chris McLean showed up together with Chef and other teachers.

[Chris]:Welcome we see each other once again this year!
Everybody started whispering about in what class Y/N would be.
[Chris]:As you might found out you have a new fellow around you.Her name is Y/N L/N and she will be in class B. Justin is gonna help you get around the school since he is the class president.

The whispers started to flow again.

[Justin]:Hello Y/N!! of course you recognize me,i am a model,everyone knows how handsome I am.
[Y/N]:Hii!! Nice to see you in person.

Everyone started to go on their ways to their classes.

I am so sorry this was late and short ! The next chapter will have the seating chart of every single class.I hope you guys are having a great time and if you guys have any specific friendships you want please tell me! I love you all

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