Aleheather Backstory Part 1

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You guys can skip this chapters if you want but you will get a better understanding about what happened to the ex couple that was very popular Alejandro and Heather !

       They started dating on the night of Halloween 1 year ago. Courtney was (and still is) very good friends with Heather and they went to Geoff's party together dressed as a dead lawyer and a zombified psychologist.

[Courtney]: Have you seen my justice hammer?
[Heather]: It's right here Courtney!I feel like this is not enough lipgloss for my look. Should I use a warmer colour or a cooler one?
[Courtney]:A warmer one so we can have the same colored lips~.
[Heather]:I am gonna go for the cooler one then.

After a while the girls got there but surprisingly they were on time with Court's time management.

[Bridgette]:I love your outfits!It really matches with you girls!
×half of the sarf plate from her back fallen down and made a strong noise×

[Bridgette]:Can you help me please? if i incline even a centimeter the other one will fall down!
×pointing out at her belly×

Geoff that was right behind the corner when he saw what happened and decided to help his girlfriend since he was the one that helped with their costumes, him being a shark .

[Bridgette]:Thank you Geoff!×kisses him slowly on his cheek but he took it as a chance to make out×

[Courtney]:Have you seen Duncan, Leshawna?
[Leshawna]:Yes I did girlie, you should take Heather with you tho since i saw Mister Heather playing uno with your man, Trent, Harold, Cody and Tyler.You can find them in the basement while gossiping about the new dramas that are going around the city!
[Courtney]:Thank you Leshawna!Heather, where did  you go?
[Heather]:Can you stop treating me like a child Court? I am retouching my makeup in the bathroom next to you.

[Leshawna]:You don't have to retouch anything, Heather, you already look like a zombie even when is not Halloween!
[Heather]:So funny Leshawna, don't worry you always smell like fish, it's not just a one time thing because of your costume.
[Lindsay]:What did you just said about Lequisha??
[Heather]:You meant Lesha-
[Lindsay]:Don't talk about my friends like that when you are one of the most hated people here! I still don't forgive you for what you did.
[Heather]: Okay. I don't even care Lindsay do you think this is the first time i ever hear this?Let's go Courtney.

Courtney and Heather left the hallway and went straight in the basement.

[Tyler]:Samantha from that school next to Starbucks did what with her best friend's boyfriend??
[Duncan]:Samantha turned into the new boyfriend kisser LMAOO.
[Trent]:Duncan can you stop! Don't you see how this is hurting Gwen?Apologize now!×tries to get Gwen closer to him×
[Duncan]:You cannot be for real right now HAHAHAH!! ME? APOLOGIZING? BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME TO??? NEVER.
[Courtney]:But I can! DUNCAN, APOLOGIZE NOW TO GWEN!!!Aww you wrote my name in numbers on your neck!

[Duncan]:First of all since when you two are friends? Second of course i did you literally told me-
[Heather]:Which one of her best friends's boyfriends did she hooked up with?
[Alejandro]:She hooked up with José. I feel like if SOMEBODY would have read her locker notes and realized how i was treating her in comparison with everyone else we would have been 100% the best couple out there. ×winks at Heather×
[Harold]:Everyone knows that you two like each other wouldn't it be easier to get together already?
[Alejandro]:Miss Burromuerto,may I take your hand and go together upstairs?×while he was saying this he was smirking at her×
[Courtney]:Come onn Heather accept!!! if something you can come back here and ignore him for the rest of the night or better rest of his life!
[Alejandro]:Thanks Courtney i think..?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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