Take down pt.2

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Matt's POV:
I was honestly really worried about what would happen with the whole mark situation I mean I know what Cole is capable of.
He's always been able to take care of himself.
I'm just super worried about him aswell.

Cole's POV:
I had been trying to get some dirt on mark for 2 days now and so far I've got nothing.
Until I had an amazing idea.
I'll recruit a new minion and make them befriend mark and get something out of him.
It's genius I wonder what Angie and Ismael have got?
I called Angie first.
Phone call:
Angie:hey cole
Cole:hey Angie have you got anything on mark yet?
Angie:actually yes apparently he's been cheating on his girlfriend with 2 other girls
Cole:omg that's great well not for his girlfriend
Angie and cole:*laughs*
Cole:alright great work
Angie:thank you
*end of phone call*
Bingo nobody likes a dirty cheater
Especially marks parents.
After school the next day I went to the alley behind school and had my minions give notes to marks gf and the other two girls telling them to meet me here.
And at the start of the day I told my minions to follow mark around and one of them saw mark kissing a girl in the gym.
He took a photo and sent it to me.
Cole:I'm sure you're probably wondering why you're here
Girl1:yeah a little
Cole:well I know that all of you think your super intimate with mark Robinson but the truth is...he's a filthy dog
Gf:what are you taking about?
Cole:take a look *shows them the photo*
The next day at lunch one of the girls walked up to me.
Girl2:leak that photo of mark now.
I did it I airdropped the photo to everybody in school.
I walked up to mark
Cole:well well well if it isn't mark dirty Robinson
Mark:what did you do?
Cole:I did what I had to
Mark:fine you win
Cole:aww but we just started to play
Mark walks away
Matt:Cole what did you do?
Cole:oh hey I took mark down
Matt:was that really necessary?
Cole:yes it was he deserved it
Matt:fine thank you love
Cole:you're welcome
*Matt and Cole kiss*
After school me and Matt spent the rest of the day at my house watching movies he ended up spending the night.

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