Sick day

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Matt's POV:
I got up and got ready and went to school like normal.
But when I went to go meet up with coke he wasn't there I asked ismael and Angie if they'd seen him.
Matt:hey guys have you seen cole?
Angie:no why?
Matt:I don't know he's just not here I guess I'll call him
I called cole but no answer
*10 minutes later*
My phone rang and it was cole so I answered
Phone call:
Matt:hey babe where are you?
Cole:im at home...sick
Matt:sick? Since when?
Cole:since I woke up and felt like death
Matt:are you okay?
Cole:yea im sure I'll be fine
Matt:okay we'll call me if you need anything
Cole:okay I will
Matt:bye love you
Cole:love you bye
I hung up the phone but while in 3rd period I couldn't stop thinking if cole was okay
So I blew off school and went to coles house
I rang the doorbell and knocked on the door like a million times.
Cole opens the door
Matt:hi babe
Cole:what are you doing here?
Matt:well I was worried about you so I came to take care of you and make sure you were well taken care of.
Cole:okay...but what about school?
Matt:don't worry I can miss one day
Cole:okay if you say so
I tried to kiss cole but he stops me
Cole:I don't wanna get you sick
Matt:babe I really don't care about all that I promise
Cole:okay your funeral.*laughs*
We head back up to coles room and lied down and watched a movie I made him a soup and gave him some medicine so he could feel better
*1 hour later*
Matt:do you feel any better?
Cole:a little bit
*the next day*
Cole felt amazing he said but I on the other hand felt awful.
Cole:you okay?
Cole:I told you
Matt:shut up *laughs*

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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