My New Slave

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My New Slave

Jayy's POV-

I hate doing this to those innocent people.

But it's the kings orders.

And today was the day... We're i get a new slave of my own. I don't want a slave. I don't NEED one. But It would be death to the both of us if I don't except him/her.

"This is number 57. Her name is Harriet. She is..." I zoned out and leaned my head against the metal chair.

"Okay, this is David Torres, he is number 86 in our count."

I starred at the man on the stage. A blindfold on just as everyone els had.

His hair was amazing. I'm surprised who ever owned him before let him keep it so long and colorful.

My heart started racing... I had to get him.

I whispered my wish to my guard beside me and he nodded. Walking onstage with 2 other guards to tell the speaker our offer.

I swear of I do not get that man il-

"We'll we have 11 offers" the speaker said with a large smile on his face. I saw the David tense.

The Speaker looked through each one. Probably for the highest. Before. He turned to speak to the king behind the curtain.

I nodded my head to the guard of mine, showing him to raise the price he had chosen if needed.

"Well looks like we have a tie, Jeremy an Lance. Please come up to the stage"

I looked around, I don't know a Lance in the kingdom. I shrugged it off and walked on the side to go on the "stage".

I stood next to David and I glared at Lance.

He had discussing blond and brown hair. His clothes were torn like he hasn't had a shower in weeks. But he was pretty big.

I mentally gaged.

"What's the new offer?" The guard whisper in my ear.

"I don't care. Just make sure that it is higher then that bastards!" I growled in his ear and he nodded.

There was no need to really worry. I was the richest one in the kingdom.

Once they announced my name I smiled widely and grabbed David's arm. His muscles were tensed to tightly that It looked like it hurt. As so as we got out to the car I grabbed his hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you okay?"

He didn't say anything but stayed unbelievably tensed.

I turned him around to untie the tight blindfold.

"David's" (Dahvie's) POV-

His voice was so deep. I wonder what he looks like. He turned me around so that I could see him. He didn't seem as aggressive like the others.

His beautiful golden-brown eyes were the first thing I saw and I instantly fell for my new master.

I could see snakebite holes in his lips but he only had a single hoop in. He had a bridge piercing that sooted his style perfectly.

And his body. Amazing. I can't think of any other word but that right now.

I was about to say something but I remember I'm not supposed to.

But he was starring and looking me over just as I had done to him.

He locked eyes with me before muttering, "You eyes are so pretty" but he said it so lightly I barley caught it. And when I did I felt my cheeks heat up.

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