Haley he heard you!

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I frowned at Dahvie. He had been ignoring me all week. I haven't talked to him ONCE.

It breaks my heart... What did I do?

I honestly have no fucking clue what I did.

"Dahvie.." I started but he turned his head.

I sighed. "Please just look at me." I begged but he put his head in his knees. They were currently pulled to his chest.

"What did I do?" I asked and put my hand on his back. Causing him to tense unexpectedly. I sighed with tears filling up my eyes.

I stood and walked quickly up to my room. He could at least tell me why!

Haley was sitting on my bed.

"Why are you in here?" I asked and leaned angrily against the wall.

"You need to tell Dahvie." she stated.

"Tell Dahvie what?" I growled. I'm pissed right now, Haley.

"That you like him." See said with no emotion. Wtf?

I sighed and slid down the wall to my ass and pulled my legs up to my chest.

"I don't just like him Haley."

Her eyes widened, "You love him?!" She said a bit to loud and I heard sudden movement down stairs. Shit.

"Haley shut the hell up!" I whispered urgently. Shit shit shit damn it he heard that!!!

"Sorry." She said but still had a wide smile.

I heard a sniffle downstairs and I turn to look at the door.

Wow, Jayy. Real smart. Looking at the door totally lets you see what's going on downstairs.

I stood and walked out of the room.

Is that Dahvie?...Crying???

I walked slowly down the stairs and looked over the railing.

Oh my god that was Dahvie. I ran down the stairs to him and quickly rapped my arm around his shaking body.

"Dahvie what's wrong?!" I asked and he dug himself further into the cushion. He was currently on his stomach with his face buried in the couch.

"Please Dahvie talk to me." I begged and pulled his closer to my body.

When he had calmed down a bit he turned his head and looked at me. For the first time in days he looked at me. I saw some type of pain in his beautiful eyes.

Why is he in pain?

It was completely silent as we starred at each other.

"J-Jayy?" He asked with a shaky and scared voice. It made my heart fall, even an serial killer would have put his weapon down and fell weakly to his knees.

"Yeah Dahvie?" I asked and moved myself closer to him.

I heard him swallow. Why is my poor baby scared?

Get it together Jayy he's not yours.

I flinched at my own words. I knew it was true though.

"W-who is it t-that.. You L-love?" He stuttered under his breath.

Great. My turn to be scared shitless.

I was completely frozen. But I somehow managed to open my mouth a breath out "You"

It was so quiet that u couldn't even hear myself say it but I guess Dahvie had read my lips.

His face brightened up and the pain in his eyes left.

I felt my eyes nearly roll to the back of my head in pleasure.

Pure bliss.

I rapped my hands around his neck. And tangled my fingers in his hair.

He pulled back when we had both ran out of breath.

"I love, Jayy"

I gasped and smiled widely.

I can't tell you how long I have been dreaming about those words coming out of his mouth.

"I love you so much more dahvie" I said and pressed his lips to mine again.

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