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CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 9:12 am | MAY 17thSATURDAY ────────────────────────────────

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9:12 am | MAY 17th


GREY STARED AT NOTHING in particular as she continues to lay her head down on her pillow. What August did to her at the dinner kept playing in her head over and over again & for some reason Grey is blaming herself.

No matter how hard she tries to forget what happened it's like the accident is on replay like a broken record.

Letting out a sigh she gets up from her Queen Size bed making it up.Every sheet,pillow, blanket and stuffed animals was placed correctly, just the way she likes it.

Once she was done she went towards her chair that held her clothes that she didn't feel like folding just yet. Grey didn't count the money she received last night, she was too tired and still shaking up.

Grabbing the money out of her apron that was on the floor Grey began to count the money and as the price got higher and higher she started to cry.

This is the biggest tip she ever received,there was 1,000 dollars that was folded.

Grey went to the closet with a smile on her face and grabbed her tiny shoe box she's been hiding in the back of the closet.

She been saving so she can start her own tattoo shop. Grey has a few tattoos of her own and the art of tattoos was a form of self-expression that allows her to break out of her shell and show a side that she sometimes isn't comfortable with sharing.

Her parents are currently in Germany. Of course they didn't want her to move down there knowing the crime rates but Grey wanted to follow her own desires.

Even though she's currently living in a 1 story house with her pet snake Hebi. This area she's living in was a little dangerous being that she didn't have any neighbors and if she did there was drug addicts living in the abandoned buildings.

Grey look down at her exposed arm seeing the faintly red bruise on her upper arm. Instantly Grey headed towards the shower taking off her clothes letting the hot water touch her skin.

She began to scrub her body really hard not worrying about how much it was hurting her body. "This is all your stupid fault". Grey cried repeating them same words over and over again scrubbing hard.

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