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"Metri I'm not going out like this." Maria pouted, covering her nose. Temetrius was trying to take Maria out for their 2 year anniversary but Maria refused because her nose was still aching and purple.

"It doesn't look that bad." Temetrius moved Maria's hands from her face. "Just put a little make up on."

"Babe, it's been a freaking week and it still looks like this." Maria lip quivered.

"That's cus you ain't been putting ice on it. You gotta keep ice on it." Temetrius examined Maria's nose.

Maria was almost set on not going on that date, she didn't want to be embarrassed.

She huffed, "I'll try to cover it with makeup but if it doesn't look right I'm not going." Maria walked over to her vanity.

"Ight take your time baby, Imma go take my shower now then we can leave."

Temetrius was out the shower, Maria still at her vanity. "You still not done? We gotta be there in less than an hour Ria." Temetrius reached for Maria's makeup to try and help her only for her to flinch.

"Maria I'm not gone hit you again I promise." Temetrius reassured his girlfriend.

"I know, It's just the ptsd I guess." Maria nervously chuckled. "I didn't expect you to hit me then and now look at me. My nose look like a fucking blueberry." The makeup had little to no effect on the bruised nose.

"I'm sorry Ria, we don't have to go." Temetrius sat on the bed.

"We can just stay in and do something else." Maria looked at him through the vanity mirror, he looked sad.

Temetrius really wanted to take Maria out that night. Not only because it was their 2 year anniversary but he also wanted to make it up to Maria for assaulting her the way he did.

"What can we do in this house besides fuck? You don't even wanna do that anymore." Temetrius stood up from the bed.

"I just been out of it lately." Maria shrugged while she wiped the makeup off her face.

"Ria you still mad because I said I don't want another baby?" Temetrius was now standing behind Maria, rubbing her shoulder to comfort her.

"No. I was at first but then Kaari made me think." Maria spoke. Temetrius waited for Maria to finish what she was saying.

"Kaari told me that you and Kk shared a bed when y'all were away on the trip to Disney land." Maria turned around.

"Kaari a damn lie. Kids just be saying stuff. She told me you fell down the stairs but I'm sure you didn't." Temetrius said.

Maria laughed. "I told her that so she wouldn't think her daddy was beating me. Kaari's a very smart girl, I'm sure she wouldn't lie about mommy and daddy sleeping in the same bed." Maria was now upset that Temetrius lied to her.

"She made it up." Temetrius said, still trying to lie his way out of the conversation.

"Ok. If you say so."

The next morning Maria awoke to see Temetrius wasn't upstairs. He wasn't in the bathrooms, wasn't in the living room, he wasn't even in Kaari's room either. He was no where.

"Hey baby. Where you at? Call me when you get this." Maria called Temetrius but got sent straight to voicemail. She called him a few more times but he didn't answer.

"Where the hell is he at?!" Maria slammed her phone on the counter out of anger. "Oh fuck me." She picked up her phone seeing she cracked it.

Maria tried to text Temetrius but her phone was totaled. Her face ID wasn't working because the camera was cracked and the bottom half of her phone was completely blacked out.

"Ugh I hate these fragile ass Iphones." Maria complained.

Maria was so pissed about breaking her phone she didn't even hear Temetrius walk in.

"You in a better mood today?" Temetrius sat the keys on the counter.

"No I just broke my fucking phone." Maria showed Temetrius the cracked screen.

"How did you manage to do that?" Temetrius asked.

"I slammed it on the counter because you kept sending me to voicemail." Maria pouted.

"I was busy."

"Doing what Temetrius?! You never send me to voicemail, ever. So what was different about today?!" Maria shouted in his face.

"I was fucking busy. I'm not explaining shit to you Ria." Temetrius said. He was getting annoyed with Maria. She'd been nagging him too much lately.

"Ok. I'm done." Maria put her hands up in surrender. She grabbed the cracked phone and the keys, then left.

Maria pulled up to a lowkey store called sunsden where they fixed phones. Maria thought the place was sketchy but didn't mind since it was the closest. She grabbed her purse, the phone, the keys, then went inside.

"How much to fix this?" Maria slid the phone on the counter.

"Um, 75 dollars." The man spoke.

Maria dug in her purse to get the money out. "Here you go." Mariah handed him the cash. "And how long will it take?" She watched as he counted the money.

"About an hour, hour and a half." He examined the phone.

"Ok I'll be back later."

"You get it fixed?" Temetrius was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Yea he said it'll be done in about an hour and a half." Maria told him.

"You ready to talk to me without getting angry?" Temetrius asked.

"No, cus I'm still mad at you." Maria sat at the kitchen counter, watching her boyfriend make their food. "You disappeared this morning and didn't even let me know where you were going."

"Baby I told you I was busy." Temetrius flipped the bacon.

"Busy doing what, Metri? You never just up and leave like that. I was worried." Maria admitted.

"Worried about what? That somebody kidnapped me? I'm 6'3, ain't nobody kidnapping my big ass." Temetrius joked.

"I know Temetrius, I know."

Temetrius was done cooking and was now plating their food.  "Here." He slid the plate over to Maria.

"Thanks." Maria took the plate.

They sat silently eating until Maria's anxiety was starting to kick in, she needed to know. "Can you just tell me what you were busy doing?" She asked.

"Maria!" Temetrius dropped his fork. "If I tell you, you gone be mad." He told her. She said she didn't care as long as he told her the truth.

"I went to see Kk, and before you start, I didn't touch that girl. We spoke strictly about Kaari." Temetrius said.

"What about Kaari? Is she ok?"

"Yea she good, Kk just not trying to let me see her." Temetrius took a bite of his eggs.

"Why is that?" Maria cocked an eyebrow. "I know she not mad about that little argument we had."

"She said she doesn't want her child around your type of energy." He spoke. "I'm trynna convince her to at least let me see her before she go on her trip."

Maria knew how much Temetrius loved his daughter, she felt bad she was the cause of him not seeing her.

"I'll speak to Kk. I'll tell her to let you see Kaari and whenever you do get Kaari I'll stay with my mom or Berlyn until she's gone." Maria said as she finished up her breakfast.

"You don't got to do that Ria. It ain't your fault, Kk just petty." Temetrius said as he took her plate to put in the sink.

"I'm still gonna talk to her. We need to have a discussion anyways."

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