10 🥀

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And if you're mad this is the last chapter go back to chapter 1 where I said there would only be 10 chapters

now take this picture of Ja and be grateful 😏

A month later, Temetrius and Maria had been doing well, even sharing a bed together again

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A month later, Temetrius and Maria had been doing well, even sharing a bed together again. No they weren't back together but at least they were friends. There was no hatred or bitterness between the two. They had to start somewhere.

Temetrius had officially cut off all contact with Kk. He wanted to make Maria feel as comfortable as possible.

Him cutting off Kk didn't mean he couldn't see his daughter anymore, he just didn't talk to Kk. If he wanted to see Kaari he'd ask his parents to ask Kk to drop her off to avoid speaking to her.

Maria mentioned it to him before, that it wasn't necessary but Temetrius insisted.

"If me talking to her makes you uncomfortable, I'll stop talking to her." Temetrius says.

Maria scratches her head "I really think it's unnecessary for you to stop talking to her. You'll have to speak again at some point."

Temetrius disagrees. He wanted to work things out with Maria, he couldn't do that if Kk was still in the picture.

"Temetrius we are done. The only reason I'm here now is because of this baby I didn't want." Maria rubbed her stomach.

Temetrius tells Maria at some point she did want a baby, so to Temetrius that was more than enough of a reason to get back together. For the sake of the baby.

"Metri you basically trapping me right now." Maria rolled her eyes.

Temetrius tells her that isn't the case, but however she felt was how she felt. All he wanted to do was focus on the now and not dwell in what happened in the past.

"Whatever." Maria says then gets out of bed.

Maria makes her way down stairs to make herself something to eat. She opens the fridge, grabbing the bacon then goes to the cabinet to get a box of pancake mix.

She grabs a pan from the cupboard, placing it on the stove to heat up while she made the pancake batter.

Temetrius tries to help with the food but Maria tells him, she's not disabled, she's got it, so he backs off.

A few minutes went by, Maria was almost finished cooking, Temetrius was in the living room watching tv when he thought of something.

About a week ago, he'd heard some new information about Maria. He didn't want to start anything between the two so he kept quiet, until now.

"Maria I have a question." Temetrius flicked the tv off.

"Yes Metri?" Maria grabbed herself a plate for her food.

He turns his head towards her then asks "Have you had sex with anyone while we were on our break?"

Maria had no clue what he was talking about or who would even tell him something like that. "Why are you trying to start arguments?" Maria asks, sitting herself at the kitchen island.

Temetrius gets up off of the couch "I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just asking a question." He says "I just wanted the truth."

"And what's that Temetrius?" Maria stares at him with her hand on her hip.

Temetrius slowly moves towards Maria, telling her about how he heard from someone close, that she had sex with a dude, knowing she was pregnant with Temetrius baby.

Maria tells him she doesn't know what he was talking about and suggests he sits back down, but he doesn't, he moves closer and closer, which frightened her.

"I'm serious Metri. Go sit down." Maria gets down from her seat, backing away from him.

Temetrius questions her again, asking did she or did she not have sex with someone else. Maria,  of course, says no but that's not good enough for him.

He finally stops in front of her, grabbing her by the wrists, pulling her over to the living room, throwing her to the ground aggressively. "What the fuck Temetrius?!" Maria screams in pain as she hit the hard floor.

"Why couldn't you just tell the truth?" Temetrius stood over Maria as if he were going to hit her.

Defenseless and scared Maria did the only thing she could do and attempted to kick Temetrius in the balls but she misses and kicks his leg instead.

This does nothing but angers Temetrius even more.

While Temetrius was recovering from that kick her took from Maria, she was trying to run down the stairs and out the door.

The kick Temetrius took did little to no damage to him so he didn't need to recover much.

Maria didn't even reach the fourth step before Temetrius came and pushed her down the rest, causing her to fall and break her neck.

After the rage left his body he'd realized what he'd done and instantly regretted it. Temetrius quickly ran down the stairs to check for a pulse but there wasn't one.

Panicked, Temetrius was about to call the police but realized if he did, he'd go to jail. The only thing he could think of was to stage it like an accident.

Since the stairs were connected to the kitchen sort of, Temetrius poured oil in the floor and steps, and even rubbed some on the bottom of Maria's feet to make it seem like she spilled oil, slipped, and fell.

Once he was done with that, he threw the bottle down the steps with her as if she was holding it while she fell.

After he set everything up he called the policed,. panicked,. telling them his girlfriend had an accident.

The End......for now😏

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