I am Death

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I sighed as I looked out the window at the armed men walking towards the restaurant.

Brynn: Why does this always happen when I'm eating?

Kai: Probably cause I beat up their buddies earlier.

Brynn: Alright!  Let's take 'em down, just like old times, right?

Kai: Nah, I got this.  You just eat your burger and watch.

Brynn shrugged and sat back down.

Brynn: Fine, but I'm stealing your fries.

I chuckled, opening the door and walking outside.  The men aimed their guns at me.  I smirked.

Gang Leader: So YOU'RE the guy who's been roughin' up my boys, huh?

Kai: That was so stereotypical it hurt.  But yeah, that would be me.

Gang Leader: Who the hell do you think you are, kid?

Kai: That depends.  Do you want me to just beat you up, or do you want me to follow through with my Divine Resonance?

Gang Leader: Huh?

Kai: Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself.

I held out my hand and Grimm appeared in it.  I grinned sadistically, spinning it around me and pointing it at him.

Kai: I... am Death.

The gang leader chuckled and pulled out a pistol, firing it.  It hit me right in the face, but I just grinned as the bullet fell to the ground.  He took a step back, a nervous look now on his face.  Smoke began gathering around me, and my voice began to echo as my eyes began glowing red.

Kai: And I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or any other fancy way.  I'm Death.  Straight up.

I vanished, reappearing behind him and grabbing the leader's head, smashing it into the ground.  The other man began to open fire, but I slammed Grimm into the ground.  Massive skeletal hands burst through the street, grabbing the men and slamming them into each other, knocking the rest of them out.  The hands vanished and the smoke around me dissipated.

Kai: Well, that was fun.

I turned back towards the restaurant, seeing Brynn with her hands against the window, staring at me with stars in her eyes.  I teleported next to her and she jumped, startled.

Brynn: That... was... AWESOME!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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