The Head Espers

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Kai: My name is Kai Tanas.  I was imbued with the power of Thanatos... the Greek God of Death.

Brynn: K-Kai?  Is it really you?

I nodded.  She rushed forward and hugged me, nearly cracking my ribs.  I forgot how tight her hugs are.

Kai: Can't... breathe...

Brynn: Oh, sorry!

She pulled away, tears in her eyes.

Drew: You know him?

Brynn: Kai was my best friend as a kid, Drew!

Kai: I... grew up on the streets.  I eventually met Brynn, who also ran away from home, and we became friends.  Then three years ago, the Portals started opening and we got separated.  I was never able to contact her again, but I saw you on TV all the time.  I'm proud of you, Brynn.

She blushed and covered her face.

Brynn: Kai, you're embarrassing me!

Drew: Seeing as Brynn already knows you, in addition to the skill you displayed against the Kronos, I believe you can join Esper Union.  I'll have to talk with some of the head members, though.

Kai: That's fine.  When should I go there?

Brynn: Right now, silly.

She grabbed my arms and flew up into the air with her wings, flying towards the Esper Union building.


Brynn is giving me a tour of the building, since if I do join I'll be staying there.

Kai: This place is massive...

Brynn: I know, right?  Hey, by the way... you're not still living on the streets, are you?

Kai: Nah, I saved an old lady from monsters a few weeks after you disappeared.  She owned a hotel, and said I could stay there if I just help her around the place.

Brynn: Oh, thank gods.  I would've felt really guilty if I left to live here and you were still out there...

Kai: Hey, it's fine.

She got a message on her phone from Drew, telling us to come to the meeting room.  We got in an elevator to go, standing in awkward silence for about thirty seconds.

Brynn: Kai, I have a question.

Kai: Huh?

Brynn: Why did you never try to find me?  Even if I joined the Union... you could've at least TRIED to meet up, given your abilities.

Kai: I... I'm sorry.  There is a reason, and it's that when I received these powers, it changed me.

Brynn listened intently, looking concerned.

Kai: It gave me a more... sadistic side.  I feel less emotions now.  And it changed how I look, too.  That's the reason I still haven't shown you my face...

Brynn looked at me sadly, before hugging me.  Not another bone crushing hug, but a gentle, caring embrace.

Brynn: Kai.  Regardless of what you look like, you're my friend.  No... you're my best friend.  It won't change the way that I see you, or how I feel about you.

Kai: I... thank you, Brynn.  I'll show you after this meeting.

Brynn smiled softly, and the elevator dinged.  The doors slid open, revealing a large room with a long meeting table, numerous holographic displays, and a big stage in the corner.  Drew was sitting at the table, along with two other people and another guy standing in the corner.  The first was a girl with dark complexion and white hair that ended with glowing blue snakes.  The other girl at the table had white hair, an eye patch, and what looked like a biker gang outfit.  She also had one large black feathery wing protruding from her back.  Finally, the guy in the corner had long spiky black hair, black eyes with red pupils, and four floating rings behind him with giant muscular arms sticking out of them.  He perked up when I walked in, staring at me with an interested look.  Drew and the two girls at the table looked over at me.

Drew: Hello Brynn, Kai.

The girl with the snake hair stood up and walked towards me.  As she got closer, I remembered who she was.  Melanie, the embodiment of Medusa.

Melanie: This is him, Drew?  He's pretty cute, I'll admit, but he doesn't look like much.

She walked her fingers up my arm, smiling seductively.  I just rolled my eyes and pulled my arm away.

Kai: Drew, do they know what happened?

Drew: Nope.

Kai: Do you have a way to show them?

Drew nodded and pulled out a remote.  I walked to the table and sat down.

Drew: Remember, Melanie.  Looks aren't everything.

A holographic screen appeared over the table, showing Brynn and Drew standing in the street.  Then the monsters appeared.  Everyone in the room tensed up as the Kronos materialized.

Melanie: Is that a Kronos?  In the middle of the city?

???: Looks like it.  Where is it now?

The white haired girl pointed the question at Drew, who just fast forwarded the video.  He stopped when I landed on the asphalt, as the cracks spread down the street.  The others watched in surprise as I appeared on the Kronos' head, stabbing it in the eye and killing it.  The vessel of Anubis paused the video, as the girls just stared in shock.  The blonde turned to me.

Raven: My name is Raven.  I was blessed by Odin, and I am one of the head figures of Esper Union.  Who are you?

Kai: My name is Kai Tanas.  Pleasure to meet you.

Melanie: Mmm.  Handsome, strong, and a gentleman.

I looked at her confused.

Kai: You don't even know what my face looks like.

Melanie: I can assume...

Raven: Can you two focus?  Kai, what is your Divine Resonance?

Kai: Thanatos.  The Greek God of Death.

Raven nodded, satisfied by my answer.

Raven: I'll accept that recording as your audition, then.  Welcome to the Esper Union, Kai Tanas.

???: So... you're the embodiment of Thanatos?

I spun my chair around, turning to face the guy in the corner.  I'm also just now realizing that he is shirtless for some reason.

Kai: That's me.  And you are?

Li: Li Ling.  My Divine Resonance is Nezha.

Kai: Well, nice to meet you, Li.

Li: Yeah.  You seem pretty strong.  Maybe we can spar sometime.

With that, he disappeared in a burst of flames.

Raven: Anyways, Brynn, we won't have a room ready for Kai until tomorrow.  Can he stay with you in your apartment tonight?

Brynn: W-WHA?  Oh, uh... sure, that's fine.

She blushed dark red, and I could feel my own face heating up.  Thankfully it was still shrouded in purple mist, so nobody could tell.

Brynn: Alright, c-come on, Kai.

I followed her into the elevator.  She pressed the button for her floor and I sighed.

Kai: If you want, I can head back to my place.  I don't want to make you uncom-

Brynn: No, no, no!  It's fine, just... this brings back some good memories, from before we got powers, y'know.  Remember all the places we ended up staying during the nights?

I chuckled.  The elevator door dinged again as we got out.  We walked down the hall, and she opened a door with a key.  We walked into the room, which looked like a penthouse.  There were also a lot of big white feathers everywhere... are those from her wings?  Eh, whatever.  I looked around in awe at the apartment.

Kai: Well, I now feel like I've been living back in the same cardboard box we lived in as kids.  This is a penthouse suite!

She laughed a bit, walking to one of the couches and laying down, yawning and closing her eyes.

Kai: Hey, it's only four o'clock.  Wanna go grab some food?

In the blink of an eye, she was standing in front of me with a big smile on her face, which was inches away from mine.


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