Getting along?

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(A time skip :3)

Wizard cookie POV:
I have been keeping my eye on this guy for the past few days now. I slowly think I'm growing to be quite fond of him.. he just seems to be getting more nicer day by day- yet he's still being very cocky and annoying to me. I lifted up a book and i began to read it. I looked up and I saw GingerBrave watching me. "Geez, won't you ever leave me alone?" I groaned. "Nope!" He snickered and smirked. I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I went back to reading. I heard him walk to be beside me and then he sat down and watched me. I could feel him staring. It was unnerving.. I looked at him and he stared into my eyes.
"What?" I asked. He shrugged. I sighed. "We'll. Since we are both sitting down and finally not bickering, why did you stab me and then keep me here?. You could've stolen stuff or kidnappped me yet, you kept me here.." I asked him. He was quiet for a moment before he replied. "The bubble showed my reflection... and for the first time during something like this, I hated who I saw staring back. So I decided... that I'd keep you here. Where it is safe. And my mother can't hurt you." He said as he leaned back against the wall. "Your mother.? Why would she hurt me?- who- who is your mother if I may ask.?" I asked him.. He looked at me. "You don't know? How could you not tell???" He seemed confused. I shrugged. "We'll.. she's dark enchantress cookie.. the god of evil, darkness, and death itself." He told me.
"Her??? You look nothing like her are you adopted?" I said jokingly.

GingerBrave POV:
I looked at him and then I started to giggle and then I started laughing.. I quickly covered my mouth though. "Don't." I heard him say to me. "I like hearing you laugh.." he said. I felt my face grow red.. I uncovered my mouth and I chuckled softly and I looked away from him. "What the fuck did you just do to me?!" I mutter. He seemed confused and he tilted his head. "Do what?." He asked. "I dunno! You just! Said that! And now I can't think straight!!!" I said getting frustrated and more flustered. "Wow.. I have no clue what on earth what that can mean." He snickered.

This is all I wanted to right for tonight :)

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