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Private class file.



AGE: 19




GOAL: Find the murderer of Tem.

Reward: 50k. (50,000 usd to yen.)

the bottom of the page had two signatures, yours and the herbivore who gave you the job.


Refer to only your first name, for the school information use the last name.


You slapped the file down.

"The file looks good, except I'm not fucking 5'4, I'm 5'5!" You said, with a bit of anger combatting your anguish.

The alpaca laughed. His voice being a bit unpleasant to the ear.

"Hey, that's what we got when we measured, blame the world, not me."

You felt a wave of sadness loom over you, as you gave back the file. The alpaca took the file, putting it back with all of his other fun and interesting work files.

"Now, this costed an arm and a leg. I need you to do your absolute best for the both of us, for your reputation, and for my son."

The fox looked at the alpaca, his wool being a lot more firm than most others. He could see how much he cared about his son, and that just gave you even more determination to solve the crime.

"Don't worry, sir. You and your son are in good hands."

"I hope so. After you solved the case a year ago, with the dog and zebra I knew you were capable to solve this devouring. Especially since..."

His voice went silent, my ears silently cheered as he was done talking, though I noticed a sad expression on his face. I notice the expression.

"Heartache, sir?"

I attempted to be formal, after my rude expressions of foul language.

"Yes.. Tem was always a good kid. He loved being friends with everyone, no matter if they were a carnivore or herbivore. He got that from his mother."

Y/N looked down at his his own shoes, not wanting the sheep to notice him frowning.

"As an herbivore, I assume to never trust sly foxes such as yourself. But I hoped that you would accept. Thank you."

You didn't have much time before the alpaca got up, and hugged you.

"It's really no problem sir. I will bring justice for you."

He went back to his seat, the chair making a creaking noise from the wooden floor.

"Thank you, Y/N."

You walk away, staring at the ground after what you heard.

"I don't know you, Tem. But justice will be brought for you.

(end of prologue.)

Authors note:

hi, blake here. I hope you guys enjoy this! fyi, I usually make another chapter 1-3 days after completing the other one. In case you didn't read the description of the damn story, your a private investigator. Famous yet anonymous, and an herbivore hires you to find the killer of Tem.

ok lovelies byee!!


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