twenty seven

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I'm in the middle of a meeting at the Beyala Roza when my phone buzzes. I glance at the screen to find one of my guards calling. Reluctantly I hit the answer button.

"What do you want? I'm in the middle of a meeting." I hiss.

"Sorry boss, but of your cars is kind of missing." Dima, my guard says, winded.

"What do you mean one of my cars is missing?" I demand.

"Anton and I were guarding the gate when we heard one of your cars running. We tried to stop them but the girl ran over Anton's foot and I had to take him to the hospital. It's broken by the way."

I tune Dima's nagging voice out, my brain only rolling over the words, "them" and "the girl."

The American. She had taken one of my cars and was probably god knows where in the city right about now. A mix of unadulterated anger and fear settle in the pit of my stomach.

I hang up on Dima and immediately pull up the tracking app I have on my phone. I had a GPS tracking system installed in all my vehicles in the event that one ever got stolen. Not that one ever had before now. I quickly pull up the map and find the location of my Aventador, seeing that it's parked along a side street in the city.

I end the meeting prematurely and grab Leo as I head out the back door of the club ordering him to drive me to the pinged location. Ten minutes later, Leo pulls up behind the Aventador parked in front of some designer store. My fear dulls as I spot her and Nadia standing at the front counter, some woman wrapping up things in boxes with neat little bows.

As I enter into the shop Nadia spots me immediately. She gives me a nervous smile and grabs the American's arm tightly. She jerks her head towards Nadia. Nadia motions her head towards me and I am met with the American's playful russet eyes. She smirks at me, the ends of her heart shaped mouth tugging upwards.

"Get in the car. Now." I order.

"Someone's testy." She's toying with me, quirking up her eyebrow in challenge. I glower at her, my arms crossed over my chest. I have almost reached my boiling point with her and that sharp tongue of hers. I could think of more pleasurable uses for that tongue rather than striking it at me at every turn. Like rubbing the inside of my mouth or licking the underside of my cock.

Nadia must sense that we're in a eternal standoff because she nudges the American. She slowly slides her attention from me and focuses on Nadia's pleading eyes.

"Fine. I suppose you will take care of this then." She gestures towards the wrapped boxes. I narrow my eyes, poking the inside of my cheek with my tongue. A saccharine smile curves her lips upward as she grabs Nadia's hand.

"We'll be in the car." With that she turns and struts out of the shop, pulling a wide eyed Nadia along with her. The sales lady gives me a weary smile.

"Eto budet 2407." That will be 2,407.

I clench my jaw, handing her my credit card.

Exiting the shop, I toss the boxes in the back of the Escalade next to Nadia.

"Where is she?" Noting the absence of the American. She gives me a sheepish smile and points to the Aventador. I can see the back of her head in the passenger seat. I roll my neck cursing under my breath.

I slide into the drivers seat and start the car. From the corner of my eye I can see she has her bare feet propped up on my dashboard, a rueful smile playing upon her lips. I grit my teeth and pull out onto the busy city street. I try to bite my tongue and make it all of about two blocks before my anger gets the best of me.

A Treacherous King- Dark Mafia Romance Where stories live. Discover now