twenty eight

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I squeeze some floral scented lotion into my hand and rub it into my warm skin. I've just gotten out of the shower, the steam fogging the mirror. I use the palm of my hand to wipe the moisture away and glance at my pale face in the mirror.

The fact that I look more refreshed and healthier than I have ever looked in my entire life surprises me. I don't have visible bags under my eyes, or any blemishes, my skin is smooth and even. I look like I've spent weeks in a spa, not held captive by some lunatic.

Caine had yet again shown up like a dark cloud on a Sunday afternoon picnic, quickly ending my fun before it really ever began. His words in the car keep playing over and over in my head.

No, men much worse than me. Men who would have tied you up and took turns raping you until they grew bored and sliced your pretty neck open. Does that sound like a big deal to you?

A shiver runs down my spine as visions of men with demon eyes and vicious teeth defiling me until I'm nothing but a bag of useless, unrecognizable bones.

I thought Caine to be the villain in my story, but Vlad and his soldiers make Caine seem like prince charming. I realize now the stupidity in me taking one of his cars. I should have never suggested it. I had involved Nadia in my schemes and had risked her safety all because I had wanted to get a rise out of Caine.

Although I had successfully managed to piss him off, I gained no satisfaction in doing so. All I really felt was forlorn.

I had this forbidden, incessant craving for Caine's attention. Having it was like a drug and I lived for the high of it. I wanted to feel the weight of his heavy gaze on my skin, I wanted to inhale the heady scent of his cologne, the expensive liquor on his breath and him.

It was ridiculous, the fact that I couldn't quit thinking about it. I hated that a part of me wanted more from him than what was considered appropriate.

My motive behind wanting to steal his car was not all about pissing him off. I had secretly hoped when he had found out about my plan, he would pin me up against a wall in a darkened alcove somewhere and run those calloused hands over my body. I know it's wrong and stupid and so reckless, but something dark within me calls to whatever is dark within him and it's like two magnets trying not to touch.

It was close to nine p.m. I had arranged for Leo to drive Nadia and I to the Belaya Roza tonight. Caine had already informed him and Maks about our agreement, the one where I had to be accompanied by one of the two men when I went out.

Out of Leo and Maks, Leo seemed like the more lax option. Maks was all broody and serious all the time, much like Caine. Leo on the other hand was more laid back and liked to smile a lot, and was a whole lot easier to fool. When I had called him up and asked if he could take us to the club, he didn't question me too much when I said Caine had said it was okay. Which was far from the truth. I knew Caine would be against the idea of me going to his night club for whatever reason, so I just hadn't mentioned it to him.

Nadia was dressed and sitting cross legged on the bed when I come out of the bathroom. She's wearing the black strapless dress she had picked out from the boutique. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a sleek knot on the top of her head. Her makeup consisted of a dark smoky eye, with winged liner and glossy pink lips. Her aquiline features looked more prominent and stunning than usual.

She helps me get dressed and does my makeup much like hers. She smokes out my eyeshadow and adds winged liner, but instead of lipgloss, she coats my full lips with a dark matte red lipstick. She finishes the look by straightening my long hair.  The strands fall in a silky sheet down my back.

Once we've both strapped our heels on, we examine each other in the floor length mirror.

"Wow. We look fucking hot." I smirk. Nadia's cheeks turn a deep crimson but she bites her lip to keep from smiling.

"Are you sure about this?" Nadia asks, her brows furrowing. She's nervous about going out tonight after what happened earlier today, but we were being accompanied by one of Caine's men. It was totally safe, or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

"It's fine Nadia. Leo will be with us." I reassure her.

"And you're sure Caine said it was okay?" I may have also told Nadia that Caine had allowed us to go to the club. It was a complete full proof plan really. If something were to go down we had Leo to back us up. Plus odds were that Caine was probably already at the Beyala Roza. He often spent his nights there after all. My stomach flutters at the thought of seeing Caine at the club tonight, but I ignore it.

"Yes, now come on, Leo's waiting."

Nadia and I clonk down the staircase in our heels. Leo is standing in the foyer and gives us an appreciative whistle when we join him.

"Looking good ladies." He grins.

"Why, thank you sir." I give him a mock curtsy. Leo laughs.

"Now you're sure the boss said it was okay for you two to go to the Belaya Roza?"

"Yes of course." I plaster on what I hope is a convincing smile. I can see Nadia shifting on her feet beside me. Leo nods and helps us into the sleek black Escalade parked out front.

Twenty minutes later we pull up along the curb in front of the club. A neon sign illuminates the words Belaya Roza, a white rose underneath it.

There's a line of people lined up down the sidewalk, a bouncer only letting a certain few entrance into the club. Leo opens the back door for us and we climb out.

The night is a chilly one, goosebumps forming on my arms and legs. Leo walks us over to the bouncer in front of the door. He's a big guy, with corded muscle, and tattoos on every inch of his body. He gives Leo one glance and removes the rope, allowing us in.

My senses are immediately overcome when I walk across the threshold. Loud music with booming bass, vibrates through the speakers. The mix of sweat and alcohol form an intoxicating smell that hits me head-on. The club features an upper and lower level. The lower level holds the dance floor and the bar area. Sweaty bodies meld together along with the beat of the music, low lighting creating an almost intimate atmosphere. The upper level has a balcony overlooking the dance floor. A few exquisitely dressed men and woman, mill about, most sitting in sections positioned in different corners.

"I really need to pee." Nadia whisper yells in my ear.

"We just got here!" I yell back.

"I pee a lot when I'm nervous." She winces.

"Fine. Let Leo walk you to the bathroom. I'll stay here." I yell over the thudding beat of the music.

"Are you sure? You should probably just come with us!"

"I'll be fine. You guys will be right back." Nadia gives me a weary look, but turns and tugs Leo's arm. She tells him her situation and he nods.

"We'll be right back. Stay here." He says. I give him a reassuring smile, but as soon as they round the corner I head over to the staircase leading down to the lower level. My need to know if Caine was here suddenly overpowering all of my sensibilities.

A Treacherous King- Dark Mafia Romance Where stories live. Discover now