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Laying on her side, Noor's eyes trailed behind Prem as he moved through the chambers and came to a pause next to his weapons. His eyes narrowed in concentration as he examined the grip of what appeared to be a new dagger before placing in its case and laying it next to his royal sword. Beginning to walk over to his wardrobe, he glanced at Noor to find her knee deep in admiration of him. Dimples appeared on his face as he refocused his eyes ahead but he did not say anything. The night was young and Noor laid lazily in bed, eyeing Prem with unholy intentions. She took in a deep inhale watching his back, the thought of him all over her further giving air to the flames of desire burning inside her.

Noor watched him arrive next to a fresh pair of clothes for the night. His smile widened just slightly as he took off his kurta but made no attempt look over at her. Noor's intense gaze burned into the gold of his skin as he pulled on the clean kurta. He then stepped before the grand mirror and looked at himself as his hands buttoned up the kurta. His eyes finally made their way to the bed behind him and found Noor. He heaved a sigh. There was inescapable hunger in her eyes.

"Careful Mrs. Dhaliwal, if I start looking at you with those eyes, you'll be in trouble." He spoke to her through the mirror.

"Really?" Noor replied, rising to a sitting position. She took her time in working her legs off the side of the bed and placed her feet on the floor. Walking over to him, she stood before him with her back to the mirror and tangled her index finger with the fabric of his collar, pulling at it, "maybe trouble..." she whispered inching closer to him, "is what I'm looking for."

Prem's dimples became apparent again and he immediately circled his arm around her waist, pulling her into himself. "Isn't it too soon to be asking for trouble after the accident?" He asked in a lowered husky voice.

Landing against him, Noor was suddenly made aware of his thundering heartbeat. An intoxicatingly masculine scent of a rich perfumed oil originating somewhere around his neck filled her nostrils. She peered into his stunning dark brown eyes and was captured by their magnetic pull at once. "Never too soon to be asking for this type of trouble." She replied biting her lower lip.

"I have to go...finish up somethings..." Prem said distractedly as his eyes momentarily fell to her full lips. Raising his free hand up to her face, he moved some of the loose hair at the side of her face behind her ear. Then, positioning his hand on her chin, his thumb found her lower lip as he looked back into the abyss of dark in her eyes. His fingers tightened in their hold at her waist while he simultaneously caressed her lower lip with his thumb. Noor's chest heaved in response and her pupils dilated.

Holding her breath, "what's more important than me?" There was command in Noor's voice. Her hungry eyes now lingered at his lips.

Noticing her distracted gaze at his mouth, Prem inched forward. "Nothing." He was barely able to say before planting his mouth onto hers.

Releasing her hold on his collar, Noor kissed him back wildly, circling her arms around his neck at once and weaving her fingers through his hair. Her heavenly lips sent vibrations of bliss throughout Prem's parched body and he couldn't help but push her back against the mirror. Noor's skin surrendered to waves of goosebumps as his hands frantically grasped her body with growing intensities to match up with the momentum of their kiss. Within moments, their tongues connected and they lost any remaining sense of self.

Completely overtaken by the sensations raging through his body, Prem suddenly found himself clutching at the dupatta hanging loosely around her neck. The free fabric obeyed his fist and unraveled at once, falling to the floor. Allowing the pleasure in the moment to momentarily push aside the objections being raised by his mind, he let himself kiss her monstrously, quenching his five year old thirst for her. He had missed her every second of every day and in that moment, he let his wild passion make up for it. He wanted her for all his remaining days. He wanted her more than he wanted to breathe. He hated that he couldn't have her so his kiss further grew in its intensity and he was rewarded by a moan out of her. Stimulated beyond measure by the sound of pleasure, his hands tugged at the strings at the back of her blouse and freed them. Despite being fully aware that he was violating his own promise, he failed to prevent his ambitious hands from ripping the blouse off her chest.

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