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Prem was woken by the sound of birds chirping in his private garden just before sunrise. He laid with his arms wrapped around Noor. His madly passionate, and mesmerizingly beautiful Noor. Last night had been insane. He almost lost control over himself and gave in. He knew Noor's wild act of seduction at the edge of the pool would stay embedded in his mind till his very last day. Angling his face to get a better look at her, he let his eyes rest on her divine face. He did not know what the hectic day ahead had in store for them but tried to find some peace in the moment by relishing every last ounce of the pleasure and honor it was to wake up as her husband.

Moving his hand from her waist up to her face, he gently caressed her cheek with his thumb. He felt a powerful urge to kiss her luscious lips but held back to prevent himself from waking her. Not moving an inch, he watched her sleep for the next 20 minutes or so, admiring her as a poet does the moon. When she began moving in indication of the ended sleep cycle, he gave in and planted a tender kiss on her temple. A smile conquered her sleeping face. "Mmhmm..." She groaned with her eyes still closed and turned within his hold to face the ceiling. Her arm stretched above her head in a hearty stretch. Scooting his face next her hers, Prem laid another kiss on her cheek. A smile wider than the first took over her lips and she finally opened her eyes, turning her face towards him.

"Good Morning..." Prem whispered, caressing her face once again.

"Good Mor..." Noor's stunning smile suddenly faltered, and she froze.

Cautioned by her reaction, Prem observed her bewildered eyes look at him for a moment and then rush to the ceiling of his chambers. He could see a thousand different thoughts rushing in all directions behind her eyes as pertinent realizations seemed to click for her. Her blank eyes proceeded to scan the rest of her surroundings as her chest began anxiously moving up and down over an increasing heartbeat. When her eyes made their way back to Prem, they were filled to the brim.

Prem knew their fantasy had come to an end. His throat tightened and he felt a pang in his chest. Suddenly, it was clear why Dogri had stubbornly insisted on waiting another day. And though he had been impatient for this moment to arrive, he wasn't ready to accept it just yet. It couldn't be over already. He refused to let the past couple days disappear into thin air just like that. His pathetic heart wept, and his soul bled. So, for the first time in his entire life, he pretended as if he couldn't precisely read the dilemmas and insights occurring behind Noor's captivating dark eyes. He overlooked her expression of misery and gathered every last ounce of the pretense within him to put on an act. He feigned oblivion to her state of mind and brought on the best impression of a smile. Disrupting her realizations mid-way, he leaned in and took her lips into an eager lip lock.

Noor closed her tear filled eyes beneath him, letting the tears slide down the sides of her temples. Her hands automatically circled around the back of his head and she kissed him back with equal vigor. Holding back tears of his own, Prem withdrew to gently wipe the tear streaks on her face.

"Prem..." Noor's mouth barely let out.

"Shhh..." Prem hushed her kissing her forehead. Completely ignoring the pain in her expression, "I still have to show you the southern wing of the palace, right?" He asked confirming the plan they had finalized the day before.

Noor couldn't bring herself to break apart what he was so desperately trying to hold together, so playing along, she nodded.

He cupped her face one more time and kissed her passionately. "Let's tour it after court." He said and rushed to get out of bed. Once he was facing away from Noor, he let his tears fall out one by one.

Getting ready for the day, Prem had just stepped out of his chambers when he found Hakam waiting for him. He nodded at him in a greeting.

Hakam bowed in response. "Chief...I held back Lady Chand and her company last night by closing down the main road to the city gates. Told them we were investigating an urgent matter on a security breach. They were forced to stay at the Inn for the night. But I've just gotten word that she's willing to take the backroads with a single horseman but will not wait around to see when we reopen the road."

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