PAST MEMORY ( edited )

236 10 16

After a while she left and once again I was left alone. That's when I felt sleep catch up to me. I laid and soon went in to my dream land.

••• in dream flashback•••
"...katsu , michikatsu. Where are you hiding ?" I heard my brother saying my name. " Ahhh... hear you are let's go play with uta.. you promised." My Asshat brother asked me. This is when we were nine and yet to become my enemy. So I acted calm and not wanting to punch hole through him' or separate his lower half off his upper body or anything.

"No I don't think I can. I will accompany you another day. Now go before I kick you out." I sed my back facing him. " "Awww no you will play today and that's FINAL. " He insisted.

" What did I told you to do. Do you want to get punished. If you do not wish to then go away and be with your own devices.~"   I coldly told. One of my eyes glinting in the sun rays. He shifts and I could sense that he was sad but I couldn't care less about him. I really hated him. No, despises him.

After he left I felt ease flow over me. I left the area and went to the nearby river to relax. As I got there I sat at the edge of the river and dipped my now small feet in. I felt relieved and relaxed. Soon I went in and went to the near by bank across the river and there was a stone and I pushed it to revile a hidden dent there and took some clothes and a rag out.

It was a den that I found and put some clothes and rags so when I came here for relaxation I could get some new clothes to wear. This was one of my secret and personal places that belong to my father. I slowly took them across the river and put it on the othe othe side where I entered.

As I was done. I began to swim a little bit and relaxed. I got off the river at noon and dressed up in my new clothes. I glanced back at the river shone from the sun light of the sunset. Now it glisten and looked so magical and majestic. Then I turn around and walked to my house.

••• dream over flashback end•••
My eyes slowly opened and moon light hit my face. I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the light. Even if it is night the infinity fortress is lit brightly. Then suddenly I felt someone's grip around me when I looked I saw the cutest sight that made my day. it was muzan hugging me closer.

I looked at him in awe at his beauty. Then a sudden erge to use the washroom hit me. So I slowly and carefully tried to wiggle out of his grasp. In turn his grip got tighter as he snuggled closer. "Hmmm... Stop squirming. I wanna hug you and cuddle with you" he groaned.

"This just made my day isn't it ?" I sed under my breath. " "Muzan....muzan....muzan wake up sleepyhead. At least loosen your grip so I can go to the washroom" I chimed. Then his eyes shot open and looked at me and loosened his grip on me.

"Good morning darling sorry for waking you up~" I sed apologetically as I scratched the back of my head. " Good morning to you to baby. It's okay you just wanted to use the washroom" he sed sanding up in a sitting position and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Then as he loosened his grip I went to the bathroom.

Muzan's pov
As he went to the bathroom I looked at the bed side table and drank a glass of water. Then he came out and I soon saw a sight for sore eyes. I got flustered by his kimono wide open reviling his bare chest. He soon noticed that I was red so he came closer to check if I had a fever or whatnot

" hmmm.. it Don't see like you have a fever but why are you red like tomato though??" He asked. He was very close and his sent made me crazy as hell his scent was intoxicating~~. Then I pointed towards his chest as I was too embarrassed to say anything. Now it's time to his red tomato face to appear.

He quickly fixed it as he looked like he is going explode out of embarrassment. "I didn't mind though. I have seen every thing already."

The thought flowed through my mind. A few minutes past as the awkward silence continued. "So do you want to go out the city ?" I asked as I think I broke the ice between us. "Oh ok... like a date. Then so where will we go or what is the day we are going" as I fiddled with me fingers. " The day after tomorrow. And be ready by 5.45 p.m."
hello there I am not dead. So about my mental health, it has improved a little. A tad bit. Enough about me health. How have your lives going I sure hope your happy and healthy. And thank you for over 800 views. So as I sed I will update when I feel like it okayyy. And do you like the new name for this. Hope you like it.and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~ A/n chan~

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