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I had my eyes closed but I knew when I heard that sound, I didn't hit the ground. Just giving up I went to sleep not caring who caught me. All i knew, whoever caught me, had steel muscles.

timeskip-next week

I woke up to the soft chirps of birds outside a window, first thing I noticed was I was in a fluffy bed. I opened my eyes fast. This is not my room nor a hospital room. "Where the hell am I" I thought. I looked around once more before spotting something. In a sea of white fluffy-ness, a fire red feather lay alone. As soon as I touched it someone came bursting in the room. Once my eyes adjusted I saw who it was. "Hawks? where the hell am I?" I ask since he looked like he held answers. "OH THANK FUCK!" he yelled clasping his hands together and sending them to the air.

I tilted my head, "whats happening?" I thought. He looked at me once more before sitting down in front of me. "To answer your question, you are at my house in a guest bedroom. As to why? I caught you after you jumped, you've been out for a week" he said looking down. "Now may I know your name?" He asks. I shake my head 'no' and attempt to get out of bed only to have 'bout a thousand feathers push me back down before returning to Hawks.

"What the HELL?" i asked semi-yelling. "1. You stay in bed. 2.who is your homeroom teacher?" he asks me. "Aizawa, you know this dipshit, i'm not dumb." I say. He sighs and draws in his breath fast,  "YOU CAN COME OUT!" he yells. Two minutes later a dark figure walks in the room. "sensei" I greet. "problem child"he says back. "What's his name?" Hawks tried asking Aizawa.

"Not telling" Aizawa said. hawks rolled his eyes then looked back to me. "What I've been told is everyone in your class thinks your dead, you can have up to five people know your alive." he said sternly before returning back to his playful self. "so? who will it be" He asks, Aizawa sighs. "I'll go tell them" He said leaving the house. Hawks looks confused. "He knows, If he didn't i think I would've exploded" I say calmly.

Thirty Minutes later I here the sound of the five souls that are sweet. Hawks leaves to greet them leaving a dog pile of feathers on me. When I here the sound of the door again I sigh knowing who it was. "Sheshe/ Zu" I hear. "'sup" I reply to Momo Denki Hanta Mina and Hitoshi. "YOU'RE ALIVE!!" they yell pouncing on me for a hug. As they lay on me I can feel the feathers begin-ing to rise. As they rise so do my friends. "Sorry, one second" Hawks said. while he was distracted, I got out of bed and darted to the living room, I quickly found the remote and sat on the couch. "I'M FREEEEEE" i very loudly yelled turning on the T.V to watch some "Kuroko's Basketball".


yo! i hope you liked the chapter and i'll see you in the next one! leo out



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