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After everyone left, Evie, Chad and Mindy sat in silence. ''That was-'' Chad began ''Awkward'' The two girls said at the same time, making them both let out small laughs.

"I'm sorry Evie. I didn't mean what I said, I was just in the zone." Evie softly chuckled. "It's okay."

''Wanna watch a movie?'' Chad butted in. ''Sure.''

After the movie was finished, Evie and Chad noticed Mindy was sleeping, so they decided to go to his room.

"Eve?'' Evie hummed. ''Hm?'' Chad grabbed her hand. ''With everything going on, I need you to promise me something.'' Evie smiled. "Anything, Chad.'' He looked at her before speaking.

''Promise me you won't do anything stupid, no sacrificing yourself, and no leaving me.'' Evie was shocked, to say the least. ''Chad I can't-'' The boy grabbed her hands, pulling her to sit closer. ''Promise me.'' She sighed.

''I promise.''

As soon as she spoke those two words, he smashed his lips onto hers. He grabbed her by the hips, moving her onto his lap. The two moved in sync, laying down on the mattress.

It's obvious what happened next.

Chad was driving Evie home, after stopping for ice cream. Both of them had smiles on their faces despite what was going on around them.
''I really do love you, Evie, I hope you know that.'' Evie turned to look at him, smiling brightly. ''Of course, I do, I love you too, Chad.''

Evie and Chad had been together for nearly two years. Some people judged but neither of them cared about other people's opinions.

She loved him and he loved her, that was all that mattered. Chad knew almost everything about the girl, she was the first person he told when she saw 'the bloody man in the mirror'. Who she now knows is her father.

Martha was practically her mother, and Mindy was her sister. When her adoptive parents died, the Dewey and the Meeks-Martin's became her second family.

Apart from Dewey, Chad was her favourite person, and she was his.

As soon as style started playing on the aux, both their heads snapped to each other giving knowing looks.

This was their song.

As soon as the chorus came on they started screaming like the children they once used to be. ''You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye. And I got that red lip classic thing that you like.'' Evie screamed, handing Chad her spoon as a microphone. ''And when we go crashing down we come back every time. 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style'' Chad badly sang making Evie burst out laughing.

''You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt. And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt. And when we go crashing down we come back every time. 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style.'' The two screamed, holding hands.

Evie was jumping in her seat, making Chad smile at how happy she looked. She was truly breathtaking.

Soon enough, the two pulled up to the trailer, flashing them back into reality.

Evie hopped out of the car after giving him a small peck on the lips. When she reached the door, she turned around mouthing the words, 'I love you.' He mouthed back the words, 'I love you too.'

The two smiled widely at each other. The first time they did that he was 6, she found him in his backyard, crying after Martha had told him to sit on the steps outside and think about what he had done. (he drew on the walls.)

Chad had whispered to Evie that he had to sit in silence because he was in trouble, so she sat with him for a whole hour until Martha saw her with Chad and brought her back inside. She mouthed to him 'I love you.' bringing a smile to the sad child's face.

Evie was reading when her phone rang. Not even looking at the caller ID, she answered. Stupid mistake. ''Hello?'' A deep voice spoke to the Altieri-Reed girl.

''Oh, hell no.'' Evie hung up the phone, nearly shaking. She hadn't heard that voice in over ten years. Her phone rang again, making her pick it up. ''What?'' She snapped. ''Hello, Evie.'' They spoke in a taunting matter.

''Listen to me, you sick son of a bitch. I don't know who you are, nor what you want from me. Either way, you won't win.'' Evie snapped again. ''I'd watch your mouth if I were you.'' They shouted. ''Or what?'' Evie challenged.

''Dewey's looking pretty comfortable, it would be sad if I cut him up.''

''No! Leave him out of this. What do you want from me.'' Evie trembled. "I want you to suffer, maybe I'll start with your perfect little boyfriend.'' Evie let out a choked sob. ''No. Please.'' She begged.

''I want you to do exactly as I ask and they both live. We're more alike than you think and I'm going to help you see that. Break up with the boy or Dewey won't live to see the sunset.'' As soon as he or she hung up the phone, Evie let out a loud sob.

Not even five hours ago, she had made a promise to the boy, and now she had to break it. With shaky hands, Evie dialled Chad's number.

''Hey, Baby.'' Just by hearing his voice, Evie had to stop herself from sobbing. ''Hey, Chad. Um, we need to talk.'' She spoke as calm as she could.

''Okay... do you need me to come over? Are you okay? What happened? '' Evie nearly burst out in tears at how kind he was. "No, don't come. I'm fine. I just need to do this.'' Just by the tone of her voice, he knew something was wrong. ''Do what? Baby, you are scaring me.''

''Stop! I'm sorry Chad but we aren't working. It's over.'' Evie spoke in a calm voice, both their hearts breaking just from those words. ''What? What do you mean? We were f-fine not even a couple of hours ago.'' Chad let out a shaky breath, holding his hand to his heart.

She promised.

''I'm sorry. I've been wanting to do it for a while, there was never a good time-''

''Never a good time? That's because we're happy together. I don't know what's going on, but my Evie wouldn't give up on us like that.'' He shouted.

''Bye, Chad..'' Evie hung up the phone, letting out another loud sob, making Dewey come running into the room. "Hey, Hey, It's okay. Shhh." Evie was shaking, seeing her in this state hurt Dewey. "I h-hurt him, Dewey. The one thing I never wanted to do. I did." Evie hiccuped. "Why?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Please just hold me, Dewey." He immediately pulled her into his arms.
"Come here." She cried into his arms until she had no tears left. "Please don't leave me Dewey, your all I have left." Dewey kissed her head. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, E. You are stuck with me."


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who let me write this a year ago.. i'm literally only publishing because i want to be done with it and if i deleted it my friends would riot.

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