What could've been...

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I was sitting at my table, petting Pearl when I got a call.
I picked it up, expecting it to be Hobi hyung about us hanging out today.
I should've just looked at the fucking number, bloody idiot.

"Hey, doll." My heart sank.
Why now, when I was trying to get over her?
Of all the times she could've called, why now?

"Don't call me that, cheater," I muttered the last part lowly, but the one who was once my love, my universe even, heard it.

"Jimin, I'm sor-" As if a 'sorry' can cut it.

"I saw you in the club on Saturday, don't try to act all sorry," I tried my absolute best to let my tears not be audible.

"Please, doll, give me-" I wonder where I've heard that.

"Another chance? How many do you need? Were three not enough?"

"Just hear m-" I have, that too, multiple times.
I'd hung up, knowing I'd give in to my heart if she heard that voice pleading again.
My heart wouldn't let me be as stubborn as I wanted.
I crumbled onto the floor because I couldn't support myself as I cried.
This call caused me to remember the day she broke up with me.
The day she last called before this moment.


I was sitting on my couch, reviewing a file, and then I got the dreaded call.

Of course, I didn't know then.

"Hey, doll." I noticed how distant she sounded but thought it was because of work.

Oh, you fool.

"Hey, sweetheart, what happened? Something at work?"

"No, it's just- I can't say this on the phone. I'll come to your apartment in the evening, okay, doll?" It worried me, and I jumped to a conclusion I'd find correct later.

"Okay, love, don't forget like last time."

"Don't worry, doll. I won't."

"Okay, love. See you then?"

"Yea, see you." Her tone scared me, but I shook off the thought and returned my attention to the file and Pearl.


I was waiting for my girlfriend to arrive, and when I lost hope and thought she'd forgotten again, she came in.

I smiled at first but saw she was not in a good mood.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" I went to hug her, but she pushed me off.


"I think we are better off away from each other."

"What do you- are you breaking up with me?"

"Yes, Jimin, it's just that-"

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