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You never envision this sort of thing would ever happen to you; you never picture having to see your own brother being slaughtered right before your very eyes, you never picture being so deprived of your own human rights that you have to eat your own faeces just to stay alive. However, unfortunately this very thing happened to me and it still haunts me to this day and it will never go away. I'm lucky to even be here; to walk, being able to breathe air into my lungs, to be able to even write this book is a miracle. I'm going to tell the story of how my brother Harlow and I got abducted by one of America's most notorious serial killers, Lyle Nascimento. Though my brother did not survive, and other victims families may not agree with me writing a book on the accounts of what happened... I feel that it's important people should know what happened to me and that in these situations there is hope.

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