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She wasn't alone in the dungeon for long, as Sam came back in after forty minutes or so. He smiled at her as soon as he saw her; she was wearing the clothes he had given her, though they looked a bit tighter on her. She was curvy, slightly overweight (as the doctors liked to call it), so it fit even if she was way shorter than him. To be honest, he liked the way it looked on her better.

He approached her, leaving on the desk a plate with a cheeseburger on it and some fries too. She smiled back.

- Thank you. I am starving.

She confessed. Eating a couple of fries straight away. Sam then opened two bottles of beer and left them on the table as well. May was feeling thirsty, but as soon as she drank it, she realised that it was not that kind of thirst. She appreciated a cold drink all the same.

- Can I ask you something? -Said the boy.

She put her drink down, looking into his eyes. They were beautiful, hazel... Kind, above all. She nodded.

- Shoot.

- Why did you want to get locked up?

May sighed.

- I... Felt something... Evil, growing inside of me. This feeling, this thirst... -She said, unsure of how to explain the feelings she was going through at the moment- I am not normally like this, you know?

They both chuckled.

- I thought being locked up would be the safest bet.

- And how do you feel now?

He asked. She gave herself a minute to think about the answer to that question, biting her burger in the process.

- It's better, being in here. -She replied after swallowing her food- It kind of numbs those urges.

Sam nodded; he has been writting down some of the things that May said on a little notepad that he had. He wanted to do some research in order to find a way to help.

- So you are... No longer... You know...?

- What? Horny?

She asked, with an alligator grin on her face. Sam laughed.

- Yes, that. -He replied, a big, bright smile on his face.

May knew the answer, and yet, she hesitated on how to answer that question. How could she not be? Demon or not, it was difficult to not feel a thing at that moment. The eye contact, the smiles, the tenderness. Sam was beautiful both on the outside and the inside.

She felt how her face started to get warm as a blush started to rise to her cheeks, then she turned her attention back to her food, in a silly attempt of hiding this from Sam.

But he knew.

- I'm sorry. -He said. She scoffed.

- It's okay. The answer is yes, but I believe I have everything under control... At least for now.

Once again, he wrote something down. She tried not to feel studied and continued eating. He stayed with her, drinking his beer quietly as he watched her enjoy her food. When she had finished, he cleared the table out and sat a bit closer to her. Her heartbeat sped up a little bit.

- What are you doing? -She asked.

- I thought you might want the company. -He answered.

After that: Silence.

She looked at him. It was a small desk, if she moved her leg an inch, she would touch his leg. She could even smell his cologne from that distance. Again, she felt thirsty.

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