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The new man walked into the room, going past the boys and towards May, but stopped at the sight of the devil's trap.

- Get her the hell out of this. -He said, with a thick British accent.

- I don't think that's a good idea. -She replied. He smiled at her.

- May, is it?

She nodded.

- Yes, sir.

- Ah, sir... I like that.

He said, putting his hands in his pockets. She felt like he was taunting her, but she didn't say anything.

-What's the point of being in there? It's not holding your powers back anyway, is it?

She looked past him, Castiel looked quite angry... Even though, to be fair, he always did look like that. The Winchesters were just looking at them with a serious expression on their faces. Her attention turned to Sam, thinking about earlier. He seemed to know what she was thinking, as he started blushing and then looked away.

- Not really... Only a bit.

Crowley turned around and looked at the brothers.

- Get her out.

And so, they did. A few minutes later, they were all sat around the world map table. The British man poured both her and himself a cup of scotch and then sat down. The brothers were drinking beer, and Cass just sat there, arms crossed.

- She needs to control her powers, that's why we called you. -Said Dean.

- And yet, he's doing nothing. I told you this was not a good idea. -Added Cass.

Crowley sighed loudly.

- She can already control her powers. She's just thirsty. -He explained.

- Yeah, we can see that. -Replied Dean, Crowley shook his head.

- Listen, Squirrel. She is the embodiment of lust. If she doesn't get laid, she goes into survival mode. It's simple, really.

May looked down, staring at her own hands. She did not trust him, but she did not trust herself either.

- What's the catch? -She asked, raising back her head until she found Crowley's eyes.

He smiled again.

- The souls, obviously. -He replied, sipping on his whiskey afterwards- With a kiss, you mark their soul. When their time is over, you choose what to do with it. You're like a free range farm. 

- So... I can release them if I want to?

- Yes, but that'd be bad for business.

- I don't give a damn about your business.

His smile disappeared. He calmly put down his cup on the table, leaning towards her.

- Well, too bad. -He said, raising his voice- You are a princess of Hell, and you will act accordingly, love.

She stood up, rage clouding her judgement once more, but before she could even react, Crowley sat her back down with a twist of his hand.

- Oh, Please. -He said, rolling his eyes.

Castiel, who was sitting next to her, placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to get her to settle down.

- So, if she gives in, she'll be back to normal? -Ask Dean, trying to get back to the main concern.

- Bingo.

Everybody went quiet for a few seconds, contemplating the idea. May did not want to comment on the matter, she was not objective. For all she cared, she could do them all at the same time right about that moment. Crowley was right, she needed this. This feeling inside of her, it wanted to devour everything around her, and it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Not by itself. The voice in her head seemed to rejoice at the mere thought of giving in.

- So... Who's gonna do it? -Said Dean, with a smirk on his face.

- Just give her Moose, he's already been at it anyway.

Sam chocked on the beer he was drinking, coughing hard afterwards. May went bright red, even though a playful smile appeared on her face when the memories came back to her. Her feelings were so mixed up, the human part of her would've been mortified, but the other part... She just found it amusing. 

- Sammy? -Asked Dean, staring at his face.

- Is that true? -Castiel still had that tone of anger in his voice. He couldn't really control his feelings at that moment. He felt responsible for May. 

- I... She... It's not what you think. -He said, trying to defend himself.

- Oh, Come on! You had one job! -Exclaimed Dean, smacking the table with his hand.

Crowley seemed to be enjoying the scene. She looked at him again, and she found herself similing with complicity. Her gaze turned to Dean, who locked eyes with her briefly, before looking at his brother again.

- Well, that means it's my turn, then. -He said, surprising himself in the process.

Castiel turned violently to look at the oldest Winchester, frowning.

- She is NOT a toy, Dean.

- No, I know that! -He exclaimed, waving his hand around a little bit- But I want her too. Hell I even flirted with her way back when we first met her! It's not fair. 

-You did? -Asked May, he nodded.

-Yeah, I wanted to take you downtown then and I want to take you downtown now. 

- I didn't... Do that. It didn't go that far. -Said Sam, covering his face with his hands.

Crowley chuckled, looking at May with approval in his eyes. She sighed. She was doing it again. She needed to stop.

"As if you were not enjoying this."

-Not the point. -She said out loud, but nobody seemed to notice it. They were too busy arguing about her. Her eyes turned back to Crowley, and he nodded slightly, as if he understood what she was feeling.

- Alright, boys. -He said, standing up- I think the best option here is that I take her to Hell and teach her how to be a proper demon... Cambions don't to too well down there, but I'll make an exception for Asmo's little girl.

- No way. -Said Cass, standing up as well. He dropped his blade from inside of his white shirt, as his trench coat was still in the dungeon.

May stood up as well when she saw this, getting in the way.

- He's right. -She said, Castiel groaned- I won't turn evil, I just want to learn how to control this, how to use this.

- But... He said you need to... You know. -Said Sam, also standing up at that moment.

- We will figure it out. -She answered.

Crowley left the glass back on the table and put his hands together.

- Settled then. -He said, putting his hand on May's shoulder- Ta-ta.

And then, just like that, they both disappeared into thin air, leaving the boys alone in the bunker. 

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