But I'm not-

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Sanemi's POV

Wow... I never knew Giyuu's crow was so... so old...

I looked down at Kanzaburou as he wobbled around on the floor. "What are you doing?"

"Where is Gayuu?" He asked me, blinking groggily.



"There.." I pointed to where I last saw 'Gayuu'... The crow nodded and flew off.

I watched him fly away before I shrieked in pain. I kicked Kaburamaru away after he bit me. "Damn snake!!"

He hissed at me with hate in his eyes. Damn creature!

"No muscle mice!" Iguro grabbed Kaburamaru from off the floor. At the mention of no muscle mice, Kaburamaru looked extremely sad.

I smirked at him. F*cking snake deserved it. The snake glared at me, hate filling his red eyes.

Iguro sighed. "Do you know why Giyuu's crow calls him Gayuu?"

"...You don't know..?"

"Know what?" He asked me, tilting his head cutely (🤭).

"..." I turned my head away as I tried to gain control of my thoughts... they way he tilted his head made me panic slightly. "Giyuu came out as gay a year ago, and his crow thought that was his name."

"Oh.. damn... So.. he's gay?" Iguro smiled.


"Okay!" Iguro smiled as he walked away, holding Kaburamaru (still giving Sanemi a death glare).

As soon as Iguro turned the corner, I felt my cheeks heat up. F*ck... he was so cute...

It makes me wanna slam my d*ck so hard up his-

I slap myself. Get it together. You're not gay. So just dispel these gay thoughts. You are a heterosexual. Straight. Kanae. Kanae Kocho. She's your forever love. Not Iguro. And certainly not Giyuu.

I mean, they're both pretty... Giyuu with his beautiful blue eyes... his long dark hair... it just makes me want to grab it as I f*ck hi-

"Sanemi! Shut the f*ck up! You're straight. You're straight.. You are soooo straight.." I mutter to myself.

"It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself there, Shinazugawa-san..." I spin around to see Giyuu, with an amused look in his eyes.

"What? No, I'm not. I'm straight."

Giyuu walks over to me and grabs me by the shirt, pulling me to eye level. He leans in... and... for some reason... I lean in, too...

Iguro's POV

"You are being a very naughty snake!" I scolded Kaburamaru. Though it was hilarious that he bit Sanemi, it was still unacceptable. "You know what I've told you about biting."

Kaburamaru didn't even listen to me. He was looking behind me. Curious, I turned to look, and I saw...

...Sanemi pinned to a wall as Giyuu made out with him...

What. The. F*ck.

I want in on that! It looks hot as sh*t!

I put Kaburamaru on the floor. "Go hunt for something to eat." I watch as the snake slithered off.

After he left, I walked over to the other two. "Hey..."

They break apart and look at me. "Hello." Giyuu says as though he hadn't just been making out with Sanemi.

Sanemi, on the other hand, was *not* calm. He was a flustered, blushing mess. He had drool on his chin, and he was panting.

"I'm bisexual... kiss me again..! Please, kiss me!" Sanemi begged Giyuu, gripping his shirt.

Giyuu *smirked*.

That made even me h*rny. F*ck he was so hot..

"M-me, too... kiss me, too..." Giyuu looked at me as I said that, his smirk growing wider.

"Cute." He muttered as he pinned me to the wall, kissing me roughly.

"Mnn..." I grip him tightly as he pushes his tongue into my mouth.

Giyuu runs his tongue along mine as I moan into his mouth.

Giyuu suddenly pushes away from me. "No. I can't do this..."

"Why?" Sanemi asked, his tone saddened by Giyuu's words.

"Because I'll end up f*cking you both..." Giyuu ruffled his hair.


Giyuu's POV

Why did I say that...? Damn it...

"I... want you to..." Iguro muttered suddenly, breaking the silence. "Please... dominate me..."

I stare at him. Did I hear that, right? He wants me to... dominate him...?

"F*cking finally." I push him to the floor.

Nobody's POV

Giyuu pushed Obanai to the floor, pinning him down. He leaned down and kissed him roughly.

Sanemi watched for a moment before creeping over and taking off Iguro's yukata, placing kisses all over his body.

Obanai moaned into Giyuu's mouth. Giyuu bit Obanai's bottom lip before kissing him again, Obanai's mouth slightly rough from his scars.

Sanemi kissed Obanai's legs, working his way up to his thighs, causing Obanai to jolt, moaning again.

Obanai had wanted to be dominated... and he was certainly getting his wish.


HELLO. It is me, that author. I know I haven't posted in a while, that eas because I lacked motivation, I was sad, and I was trying to maintain my job. Sorry.

Just want to know... do you want me to continue with... ^^^^ and write a smut chapter or... skip it..?

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