Chapter 16 - Bitch Slap

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Okay first I feel like such a bitch it's been so long since I haven't posted a chapter and all you amazing readers have waited so long so hopefully you'll still read this!x

Now that wattpad has a create button on the iphone I'll write more often! Thank you my lovelies!


~Not edited~

(Ariolas POV)

I felt someone shake me as i woke up from my light sleep. I looked up and found Toby's gorgeous grey eyes staring at me. Taking advantage of the moment I took the liberty of scanning over his features.

He had grey gorgeous eyes that were really bright compared to my neon green ones. His blonde hair looked like he just rolled out of bed and ran a hand through it, it was sexy. His nose was at a perfect angle and his lips look lush and soft.

They were moving but no sound was heard from them as I continued staring at them. I finally realized after a minute that he was trying to talk to me.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I ask the god in front of me.

"Finally you respond to me! I've been trying to get you to reply but you zoned out staring at me" Toby said with a slight smirk on his face, obviously catching me checking him out.

"Yeah yeah whatever keep your tampon in" i said with an arrogant smile on my face.

He glowered at me teasingly and said "We have arrived at the Imperial Pack house love"

"Oh well why didn't you say that in the first place?" I said as I got out and stretched whilst looking at the temple looking house in front of me.

It had 4 white pillars just before the front door, holding up a gorgeous marble roof. I hadn't realized I had been gawking at the house until Toby called my name from the front door.

I rushed over towards him taking in the messy lawn. Beer cups were on the floor with some vomit in some places on the grass which made me want to hurl. Everything was a huge mess! I looked up at Toby with a look of disgust on my face from looking at the lawn.

He looked back at me confused, then noticed how the lawn was in such bad shape.

"Everyone outside NOW!" Toby's voice boomed throughout the house, and I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard him.

I watched with interest as about 7 people just like Toby and I, came out of the house awkwardly standing in front of us. I watched as Amber and John, who I had made friends with stood amongst the small crowd of people.

Pointing to the people I was staring at, Toby motioned John and Amber over to us, "Both of you get over her you didn't do anything wrong" he said with a low voice.

They finally made their way over and watched silently what was about to happen.

"Who the hell thought they could throw a party when I left?! I specifically said NO PARTIES! The lawns a mess and I haven't even seen the rest of the house! All 5 of you get cleaning right now!" Toby's voice boomed around the lawn with authority.

"Jennie didnt do anything Alpha, she was in her room reading" a boy about 14 years old stated, nodding his head to a blonde girl and grey eyes, dressed in black and white. She looked about the same age as him.

"Okay then you 4 need to clean this up now!" Toby said calmly

All five of the people who didn't need to clean up started walking up the stairs when an annoying high pitch voice started talking.

"But Toby it was Aiden's idea! Why should we pay for that!" A girl with ridiculously fake blonde hair and fake boobs said whilst pointing her perfectly manicured finger at the boy who had saved Jennie from cleaning up.

"I don't care who's idea it was Chantal! Clean up NOW!" Toby yelled then stormed into the house.

I followed him awkwardly with Amber and John at my feet. We made it to the front door before Miss Chantal decided to yell her opinion of me in front of everyone.

"And who the hell is that freak eyed bitch? And what the hell is she doing here?" Chantal yelled turning her anger towards me.

In that moment I really wished I could have just bitch slapped her because if it wasn't for John holding my arm, I would have buried her six feet under for calling me a bitch.



Thank you to whoever read this! :) I'll try update once a week but it'll be hard! Anywho have a nice Sunday.

Fizzy x

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