Chapter 5- Face To Face

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Dedicating this to MoonLightHaven cuz she rocks :P

Hey guys sorry for the late update :)    Pic on the side ;)    (An idea for Ari :P) on the side

 Chapter 5- Face To Face

"Ari wake up" Cole said to me as he shook me

"Hmm what ?" I asked sleepy

"There coming in an hour" Cole said

"I have to get ready thanks" I said to him a i kissed him

I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, i have light brown hair this time because of the sun, my neon green eyes sparkled, i had grown i was now 5 foot 7, i have pretty big breasts, i'm 17 duh and a curvy figure.

I hopped into the shower and put on my coconut smelling body wash and shampoo. After my shower i blow dried my hair and straightened it. I put on a Light blue V neck and some dark blue jean shorts with my favorite blue converse. I did my make up, with eyeliner and mascara

"They're here" Taylor said making me jump

"How long have you been standing there Tay ?" I asked giving him a small shove

"Just a few mins don't worry i didn't look" He said smiling

"Yeah right perv, if Cole knew you were in here he'd be going nuuuuuuuts" I said laughing

"Yeah well he's not so i'm not gonn get caught ! Ha" He said luaging too

"TAYLOR GET THE HELL OUT OF ARI'S ROOM NOW" Cole's voiced boomed through the house


"Shut up !"He said as he ran from my room

"Ari they here !" Mike said as he passed my room running down the stairs

"Kay be down in a sec" I yelled

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I was no longer the pathetic weak girl that everybody picked on. I had grown up and i like hat i am now. As  walked towards the door, i stopped and went over to my bed. I put my hand under the pillow and got out my fav 'toy' if you like to call it that.

I walked downstairs and overheard a convo between Jake (my old mate) and Cole.

"Hello" I said loudly as i walked towards Cole, then he put him arm around my waist protectively. I looked towards my old pack and noticed some people confused. Then i looked towards Jake and saw confusion, knowing and anger in his eyes.

"Ariola ? No it can't be you, Ariola had different features she was, euh different" Jake said still confused

"Dylan ! Beth !" i spotted them in the crowd of my old pack and ran towards them and gave them both a hug.

"RI i knew it was you !" Beth said as she hugged the life outta me

"Can't breathe" I muffled

"Oops sorry" She giggled and let me down

I looked at Dylan and gave him a great big hug too

"My gosh i've missed you girlie" Dylan said smiling

I was ripped from Dylan's arms from none other than Jake.


"Never in a million years buddy" Tay said

"Yeah never you ass" The twins said smrking at each other

"Or what ?" Jake spat

"Or Cole, Taylor, Shane, Shawn and i will personally tear you to shreds. With the help of Ari of course" Mike hissed

"What will she do uh ? She's worthless she can't do anything right" Jake spat

That's when i saw something that looked like a knife thrown towards me. I easily dodged it and looked to see who threw it. My lovely sister ?! (note the sarcasm)

I looked around and saw everybody's mouth open staring at me.

"Yeah yeah i took up some classes don't be so surprised" I said

"You little bitch !" My sister flung herself towards me

I missed the punch she threw my way. I noticed my boys were about to intervened

"I got this guys, time to show her all the pain she cause me" I said smiling

She hit my jaw hard whilst i was looking towards the guys, hurt a bit but nothing i couldn't take. I slammed my fist on her nose and hearing a satisfying crack.

"You broke my nose you bitch" My sister spat

"No duh" I said smirking

She growled and threw another knife towards Tay. Tay who was not expecting that didn't react very fast. The knife stabbed his stomach. He fell on the floor gasping for air. I rushed over to him and called the pack doctor through the mind link.

I looked up to see my sister smirking.

"You did not just do that" I said calmly

"Yup and i'm proud" She said smirking

"Wrong answer" I spat

She threw another knife at me. Where the hell did she get them ?! I'll ask later, i ducked the knife she threw and got out my toy and pointed it at her. She looked u and froze.

"You wouldn't" She said

"Well once you injure one of my brothers it's no game" I said

"Put the gun down Ari" Jake said, as i looked over to him, he had Beth and Dylan in a choke hold and Beth was looking pale

"I've put the gun down, now give them over" I said slowly

He shoved them towards me and i signaled them to come behind my pack.

"First things first Jake, you need to watch more action movies, it's never good to let the hostages go while you haven't got the gun that the person threatened your slut with. It gives them a opportunity to do this" I said and aimed and shot my sister in the right thigh and then i shot her in the stomach.

She fell to the floor in pain as i watched her lay there.

"AH you bitch that hurt, i'm going to die !" My sister spat

"Geez Chloe calm down you're not going to die !" Jessica said as she stood over my sister

"I'm off to see Arisha, bye guys sort things out please, i'm tired" I said as i grabbed my coat and car keys to my White Audi R8 ( see the pic on the side)

"Do you have to take the Audi ?" The twins pouted

"Yes i do" I said smiling evilly at the tins

"Can't you take the Camaro or the Porsche or even Cole's Ferrari ?!" Shawn complained

"No i like the Audi now shoo" I said as i closed the front door to the pack house.

This was one hell of a day, i thought


Hope you liked it :)

Vote and comment please, it makes me want to continue writing :)

What do you think will happen with her old pack ? Who do you guys think Arisha is ? Whoever guess' will have a dedication for the next chapter :)  Umm i don't know how to add a pic :/ sorry guys 

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