Leana (4)

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The hallway was long and dark, the only source of light coming from the one secured to the top of River's camera. Most of the doors that lined the halls led to rooms that were empty or being used for storage, with the exception of one which was being used as the pub's office. At the far end of the hall were the stairs that led down to the basement.

There were also more than a few spirits, showing themselves to me as orbs of light, flitting through the hall and into the rooms.

"It's busy here," I murmured absentmindedly, watching the flurry of activity.

"Is it the negative entity," Ryan asked, moving down the hall to set up the REM-pod at the top of the stairs. Wyatt set up a few cat balls while River pointed the music box towards one room in particular.

"No, I don't feel him right now," I said, my voice filled with awe as I watched the orbs dance back and forth. "There's no evil or dark feeling at all."

"What does it feel like," Wyatt asked, watching me intently. Ryan was still busy setting up to start the investigation, but if the spirits in the hallway noticed, they didn't care. River and Wyatt started filming again, making sure Ryan and I were in frame.

"It's a mix of so many things. There's jealousy, and anger, sure, but there's ... guilt and shame too," I said thoughtfully. "There's also a mix of joy and happiness and excitement and ..." I trailed off, my cheeks heating up. The twins turned to me at the sudden absence of my voice in the quiet hallway.

"And what?"

"Uh.." I cleared my throat, suddenly embarrassed. I couldn't bring myself to look at them, instead focusing on the grain pattern of the wooden floorboards as I answered. "There's a lot of lust."

"Dude, that's insane!" Ryan said so excitedly that my eyes snapped back to his. He was grinning from ear to ear as he looked at all of us. I looked to River and Wyatt who seemed just as confused as I was.

"What?" Wyatt asked.

"Maya didn't tell you anything about this place, right Eden?" I shook my head, causing him to grin even more. "Okay, so when we first got here, Wyatt and River started to scout the place a bit to see where we should put the X-cams. Joel and I started chatting. He told me this place used to be a brothel!"

My eyes widened at the new information. It made sense now that the orbs of light seemed to be going in and out of the different doorways. "These must have been the bedrooms then," I said, a grin appearing on my own face.

"The emotions you're feeling make sense too," Wyatt added excitedly. "Jealousy, shame, guilt, lust."

"Joel also told me about this one girl who was really popular," Ryan added, raising his eyebrows pointedly. "There's this story that -"

"Wait," I interrupted, holding my hand out. "I want to try something to find out more about this place and the entity, but I need to go in without any more information." I moved to the edge of the hallway excitedly, setting my bag down.

"Is it something we can help with?" River asked, coming closer and filming me as I started pulling the supplies out of my bag.

"Yeah, sure," I looked up at him and smiled. "Basically what I'm going to do is put on this blindfold and noise-cancelling headphones and sit here against the wall with my sketchbook. Anything that comes through my mind's eye, like words or images, I'll write it down. If you guys want, you can ask questions and we can see if anything lines up?"

"Kind of like the Estes Method?" Ryan asked, and I grinned.

"Kind of!" I'd never once in my life felt excited about my abilities, but sitting here with three other people who understood me, or at least tried to, had my heart swelling with an emotion I hadn't felt in a long time.

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