Sharing Nightmares (34)

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When I woke up a few hours later, the sun was streaming through the hotel's thin curtains, casting a soft, golden light on everything. Looking over at the clock on the nightstand that read eight a.m., I frowned as I realized I'd only gotten a few hours of sleep once again. My usual nightmares had kept me from getting any solid sleep, and I knew I'd be napping on the ride back home again.

Rubbing the last remnants of sleep from my eyes, I got out of bed and entered the bathroom to quickly shower and change. I chose a comfortable pair of black jeans and the sweater Ryan had lent me before pulling my hair back into a thick ponytail. I realized through my reflection in the mirror that my natural hair was beginning to push through again and that I'd probably need to get it done soon, the dark strands standing in contrast against the rest of the white tangle.

Making a mental note to look into hair dressers, I spent the next thirty minutes packing and repacking my bag while I waited for the guys to wake up. I'd been folding the same shirt for the fourth time when there was a soft knock on my door. I made sure to check who was there first, paranoid ever since my father had shown up, before swinging the door open to see a tired-looking Ryan standing in front of me.

"Hey, come in," I smiled, stepping back and opening the door wider to allow him room to enter. He stepped in, his brows furrowing in confusion as he looked around the room.

"Did they come clean already?"

"Uh, no," I replied sheepishly. "I've been awake for a while so I might have been keeping myself busy."

He gave me an amused look before sitting down on the couch, rubbing a hand over his face. His hair was still tousled from sleep and the dark circles under his eyes were somehow even more prominent than they'd been when he come to help me in the garden.

I made my way over to him, taking a seat next to him on the well-worn sofa and leaned back, staring at the wall above the bed. We sat in comfortable silence for a little bit, both of us either too tired or our minds too busy to speak until he finally looked over at me and said, "didn't sleep much either, huh?"

"That obvious, huh?" I laughed quietly, running a hand over my damp hair while I tried to stifle a yawn and failed miserably. When I looked back over at Ryan, he'd fixed me with a knowing look and I sighed. "Alright, no I didn't. I had the craziest nightmares again."

"Do you think it's cause of your dad showing up?" Ryan asked. The question wasn't intrusive, in fact it was a testament to the fact that he already knew me well enough to recognize what would be the cause of nightmares for me. I remained quiet, simply nodding in response as I leaned my head back on the couch and closed my eyes.

"Well your dad's a dick," he said simply, causing me to snort and quickly cover my mouth with the back of my hand in embarrassment. "I had pretty messed up dreams last night too," he continued, disregarding the very un-ladylike response I'd just had to his words. "Do you wanna talk about yours?"

I opened my eyes again and sat with the question for a second. I'd usually just kept my dreams to myself, mainly because I'd had no one to vent about them before. Determined to follow Leana's instructions about opening up more and living a little, I said,  "only if you tell me about yours too."

"Alright, well, I'll go first cause mine was pretty simple," he said, leaning back next to me. "It's always the same one, with a few differences here and there. Wy, Riv, and I are usually hanging out in the living room, doing whatever when it suddenly gets really dark in the room as if the sun disappeared. I go to the window to look outside and don't see anything but when I turn back around, Wyatt and River are both gone and there's a dark mass in the living room instead."

I listened intently as he spoke, noting the clench of his jaw and how he tensed his hands as he spoke about the nightmare that had been plaguing him for a while.

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