Tensions (5)

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The basement was exactly how I'd imagined it during my session. The dim light swayed softly on its string, casting shadows across the stacked chairs and crates. It was warmer down there than it was upstairs, and I tugged at the collar of my sweater as the heat of the room began to seep into the material. I glanced towards the corner where I'd seen Leana in my mind's eye, seeing only worn concrete in her place.

"Hey," River said from beside me, touching my arm softly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay," I smiled reassuringly. "I've never had a free-write session go that well before, but I think I know what I have to do to help out Maya's family." As River nodded, I noticed that he seemed even more tired than he had earlier in the evening. Luckily, Wyatt and Ryan seemed just as energetic and excited. "What about you, are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, I'm still exhausted, but my headache is going away," he smiled. His eyes searched my face for a few seconds before he looked over at Ryan. "Ry was thinking we should do the Estes Method, see if we can talk to Leana."

"Ryan told you her name?" I asked in surprise. I hadn't had the chance to write the name down before the guys had pulled me out.

"No, it came out on our device as we were trying to shake you out of it. We were so worried about you that we forgot to mention it," River said. Ignoring the weird sensation at having someone tell me they were worried about me, I grinned as I turned to the others.

"Right before you guys pulled off my blindfold and headphones she told me her name was Leana!" As if merely speaking her name could summon her, she appeared in the corner of the room again, offering me a little finger wave.

"Holy shit, no way!" Ryan said, equally as giddy about our evidence matching up. "We need to do the Estes Method, like now!"

"Okay, Ry," River laughed, grabbing his camera and starting to film again, "only you would be excited about talking to a demonic entity."

At Ryan's frown, I couldn't help but laugh. "If it makes any of you feel better, I think I've deduced that the entity isn't demonic. I think it's just a really pissed off spirit that's getting consumed by its anger and guilt."

"Honestly, that does make me feel better," Wyatt said, starting his own camera. I glanced at Leana who was watching me, an impressed look on her face. Ryan walked over to a stack of chairs and pulled own down, setting it up in the middle of the room before sitting down, a blindfold and headphones in his hand.

"Leana, if you're here and you want to talk, I'll be able to hear you through these headphones," he said, holding them up. She stepped closer, her mischievous expression replaced by curiosity. Without thinking, I walked over to the stack of chairs behind Ryan and grabbed another one. I placed it beside him as I clicked my tongue in disappointment.

"You want her to talk but you won't even pull up a chair for her? If I was her, I'd say no," I joked, frowning as she laughed and Ryan blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry if I was rude, Leana," he winced, standing from his seat and gesturing towards the open chair. "Would you please come sit with me?" She smiled at me before sashaying dramatically towards the chair. Ryan looked over at me as I hid my grin behind my hand, nodding only once. He took that as his sign to sit, and I couldn't help but notice River and Wyatt struggling to contain their own giggles. Ryan glared at all of us before sliding the blindfold and headphones on, turning up the spirit box to drown us out.

"You're pretty," Leana whispered, leaning in close to Ryan. As I raised my brow at her, she looked at me innocently and shrugged, that sly smile back on her face. "What, I'm just testing it."

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