chapter 5. cousins

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There she stood the intruder Zim had no choice but to comply with the wrong a gun is being aimed at his face he left his arms up the gun in his hand no longer in the trigger

Tak. Good now I'm going to start loading mine all right I'm not a threat

Zim. Not a threat yeah I hardly doubt that who are you and what do you want

Tak. Like I said I'm not a threat and I'm not here for you I'm here for almost the same reason as you Grand Theft I may not be legal as a terrorist but still if I show up back in the Empire I'm definitely getting arrested

Zim. What did you did to piss off those bastards tallest red and purple did you discover the reason they were elected

Tak.No but I did figure there were probably corrupt politicians but no that wasn't really the reason the real reason well let's just say a guardian have left his post at the fear of the general was just a rich asshole just trying to play Soldier so yeah one of the main reasons I left plenty more about the problems with the Empire but you can pretty much guess why

Zim. You're going to need to convince me even more if you want me to start trusting you

Tak. Look I just want to help out originally I was going to take this plans for myself but after seeing you here maybe you can share it split it into two but that sounds good to you

Zim. All right fine but will you need my help you can just go in the other side and take it yourself

Tak. but the thing I could have done that but after a certain human Minister figure out that I was on the moon and sent a radio waves warning me I figured I need all the help I can after all we're not really enemies here you're on the same side real reason why we left the empire

Zim. All right then answer me this where is my robot servant

Tak. Oh that thing that you call a dog don't worry about him he's not hurt make sure my robot serve and then hurt him told her just distract him I'm sure there will be fine

Gir. Get back here you b**** oh shoot you down with you stand you greedy cancel always talking to my trash can it's my special can that's what my master throws away most of the food he couldn't eat

Mimi. Sorry but it's salmon and I really like it also my master told me to distract you and that's what I'm doing right now but don't worry she ain't hurting your master they're just having a little nice talk

Gir immediately stopped in his pause it's starting to run full force back to the house his master could be in trouble and when he kills that stupid cat's other master he'll make her suffer for not just stealing his salmon but for putting his master in danger he started getting the many guns inside his body ready he wasn't going to hold back he was going to launch Napalm tear gas mustard gas and a and shoot his most powerful weapon which is a microwave gun at this b****

Tak. I've been watching you so far you're doing well I seen you at that school place where the other humans will study at least the younger ones would I want also to interact with these humans and luckily you already did so yourself you can help me out with it

Zim. All right but it's going to be hard though we just met and I can't just introduce you to someone that I know for a long time

Tak. Yes you're right I do have somewhat of an idea that could work it was the same time we need to explain why I'm here

Zim. What do you mean as of why you're here you could just say you're a new girl from another city or state are you in another country wait you not told me you want to live with me right

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