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Jay feels warm and sweaty like he's suffocating but he needs to tell his Shelly the truth so she will still love him and not see him as the boy who lies to his girlfriend.

Jay keeps hold of her hand and leads her to a more private part of the hallway, he sighs and stands infront of her looking into her beautiful eyes.

Jay speaks quietly "...Kinda? She tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. Promise."

Shelly is shocked. Daisy tried to kiss her boyfriend? She believes him when he said he pushed her away.

Shelly sighs and squeezes his hand gently "... I... believe you. Why didn't you just text that?"

Jay feels relieved that she trusts him, Jay nervously plays with her hand "I was.... scared you would break up with me... and that I wouldn't sound truthful over text"

Shelly smiles and laughs at his nervousness, it's cute.

Shelly quietens down but keeps smiling "Ah, well it's fine now since you told the truth. That's all i wanted from you."

Jay subtly smiles aswell, his hand that's holding Shelly's is probably clammy and sweaty.

Jay starts walking to their class "Let's go, Shell"

Shelly nods walking besides him their hands tangled together in a loving grip.

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