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Shelly is in a bad mood today after finding out Daisy Choi tried to kiss Jay but she's managed to cover it with a smile that Jay loves.

Honestly Shelly thinks this might be the most pissed she's ever been before.

All day she's been thinking of ways to get back at Daisy she can't let this go easily, not at all.

Jay is waiting outside the women's restroom on his phone for Shelly.

Inside the bathroom, Shelly finishes her business pulling up her underwear then black skirt then unlocks the stall room door but sees Daisy Choi whose washing her manicured hands.

The blonde girl scoffs, seeing the sight of the girl who she wants to beat, she walks to the end sink washing her hands trying her best to ignore the bitch even though she can feel the girls glances.

Daisy gives her a side eye as she dries her hands "So... how are you, Shelly?" She asks with fake concern.

Said girl rolls her eyes also now drying her hands "Why do you care?"

Daisy smiles looking at Shelly's eyes "Hmm, why? I just wanted to know if Jay told you the news." She finishes drying her hands and crosses them leaning against the wall looking at Shelly with a smug smile.

Shelly glares back also done drying her hands "Yes he did, clearly you were crazy to want to do such a thing to a taken man." she snaps back standing in the middle of the restroom.

Daisy laughs keeping her arms crossed and raises an eyebrow "Hey, don't get all pissy I mean after all you're getting cozy with that new guy Huh or Oh Kris."

Shelly scoffs shaking her head "I was being nice to Huh Kris since he's new. I don't like him."

Daisy snickers, getting up with a grunt as she stops leaning on the wall looking Shelly up and down "He'll get bored of you."

With that Daisy leaves the women's restroom pushing the door open.

Jay hears the door opening and puts his phone back in his pocket but to his surprise it's not Shelly but in fact Daisy.

Jay sighs "fuck. Uh is Shelly done?" he pushes up his glasses.

Daisy smiles at him "Oh no she's taking a shit." She scoots a little closer "So I can keep you company meanwhile~"

This is a weird situation, why does she want to talk with him so badly? Can she leave him alone? He doesn't like her that almost kissed could've ruined his relationship with Shelly.

He shakes his head no "No, I'll wait for her alone."

Daisy is not pleased with this answer since she rolls her eyes with a sigh "Ahh come on~"

Jay has had enough of her and turns around opening the women's bathroom door to see Shelly standing in the middle of the restroom.

Jay speaks which echoes slightly "Hey, you alright?" he watches her with concern at the stance she's in.

Jay's voice brings her out of her thoughts turning her head to look at him with a smile "mhmm yeah."

He's not fully convinced by this but doesn't want to push her incase he makes her uncomfortable.

With a gentle hint of a smile he holds out his hand "Let's go."

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