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Jay and Shelly are in her bedroom back at her apartment cuddling in bed together.

Jay is on his phone whilst his hand runs through her soft blonde locks.

Shelly also is on her phone then looks up at him "Jay how close would of you and Daisy had to of been for it to get photoshopped so well?"

Jay sweats a little feeling nervous but he knows Shelly trusts him no matter what.

Jay sighs and puts his phone down on his stomach "I was... wiping the board and she came up behind me." he swallows "So I turned around since I was confused as to why she was right behind me. So I'm guessing that's how it got photoshopped."

Jay finishes still sweating and nervous not knowing how she'll react but she said she loves him no matter what, so that's reassuring.

Shelly sighs and looks at him with a bright, loving smile "Jay, like I say I trust you and you're to scared to kiss me half of the time."

Jay groans blushing "really?"

Shelly laughs wrapping her arms around his neck hugging him "Sorry, sorry, I like to tease you~" she kisses his cheek.

Jay smiles slightly burying his head in her pale neck "You're a tease, Shell."


Daisy Choi scoffs as she does her homework at her desk "Ugh! Did I not get my threat through, Jay's girlfriend?"

She shakes her head, frustratedly.

All she needs is to find a way to set Jay up where it seems like he's cheating on Shelly so then Jay will be hers, finally.

But Shelly trusts Jay to much so the plan failed.

Maybe she could change it up, maybe she could make it seem like Shelly is the one cheating on Jay.

And she has the perfect guy to help her.

Daisy smirks putting her pen down and grabbing her phone calling someone, she puts it to her ear chewing her thumb nail.

"Hey, Huh Kris can you help me with something?"

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