chapter 49

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I saw him, he saw me, i looked
Away, but than i looked
Back and he was still
Looking at me


This chapter is not edited

"Doctor how's she now?" Ravinder asked impatiently when he saw the doctor coming out of the room after checking his wife meanwhile harshita and rishi too stand up from their seats and moved towards their directions.

"Don't worry she's alright now but Second-degree burn affect both the her outer and underlying layer of skin. It will cause some pain, redness, swelling, and blistering but it'll heal soon."

"How much time it will take to heal doctor?" Rishi asked the doctor with serious look.

"Superficial second-degree burns usually heal in about three weeks, as long as the wound is kept clean and protected. Deep second-degree burns may take longer than three weeks to heal but thank god she is not facing deep second degree burn so she will be fine in three weeks but please do apply the ointment and cream I'm giving you and take an extra care of her." The doctor said with a light smile while ravinder thanked him and he went away before saying them that they could meet her.

"Papa you go and meet ma I'll bring the medicine.." rishi said with a light smile and ravinder nodded his head and hurriedly entered inside the room getting impatient to meet his wife while rishi look around to find his wife and found her sitting on the bech with a blank face.

"Aren't you going to meet your mother harshita?" Rishi said softly after sitting beside harshita who was looking like a stone right now with no expression carrying her face. She didn't even respond anything and was just looking blankly.

After sometime Rishi suddenly pulled her into a warm hug and before she could even say anything he cut her off and started rubbing her back softly.

"sometimes keeping things inside may make you feel strong but it might cause you so much pain which is not good for your health, just let it out harshita its okay to cry love it's okay to feel anything, it's okay to be weak sometimes..." rishi said those words so softly that after listening to it harshita started crying loudly and she hugged him back tightly while burying her face into his chest.. she kept repeating between her cries that "she cannot see her in this condition". While rishi just hugged her and rubbed her back softly.

"R-Rishi... y-yeh.. sab mere wajah se hua hai yeh sab meri galat hai rishi it was all my fault i should have told you all before.." Harshita said in between her cries and moved back from the hug and started looking towards rishi with her swollen red eyes while tears were continuously falling from her doe eyes.

"Baby why do you think it's your fault it's not your fault jaan please don't blame yourself. You did everything you could do to save your mother it's was never your fault Harshita." rishi said while cupping her face in his large plams and harshita just shake her head with denial while her eyes were looking so red due to crying continuously.

"N-No r-rishi it's my fault only i should have told everyone before !! I should had told them about dadi's behaviour it's my fault that ma is in this condition today it's my fault only that she have to go through this much pain r-rishi I'm not capable of doing anything I'm an idiot if y-you want then you can leave m-.." She said between her hiccups and sobs and before she could even complete her sentence rishi cut her sentence off in between only.

"Harshita!! Just shut up!! What the hell are you trying to say huh?? My love for you will not fade simply because of this. You're very special to me and I really can't explain in words how much you mean to me It's not your fault jaan it was never your fault it was always your dadi's fault please don't blame yourself and yeah put this small thing in your brain that no one can seperate us not also you because now you're tied with me forever, so now please stop crying love i really can't see you like this." rishi said and wipe her tears from her cheeks and started rubbing her cheeks while using his thumb while looking in her eyes and bring his face so close to her that now their noses are touching eachother.

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