Chapter 1: Unconditional Love

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POV: Zander

Life was great, fantastic even, despite the tragic event of my father, Michael, passing due to illness me and my family are fairly happy. It sure is hard work helping and providing for my mother and two sisters but I'd do it every day just to see them smile. Our family, for generations have sold charcoal to the village down the mountain, it may be hard work but it's fun. Sometimes me and my sisters go together when the weather's alright which certainly isn't one of those days. In the middle of winter, inches of snow burying the ground is perhaps the worst sort of climate to have to go down the mountain but that wouldn't stop me at all... If I didn't get a fever that is. However, my sister, Hailey, insisted on selling the charcoal on behalf of me and with enough persuasion, my mother agreed reluctantly which lead us to now.

Despite complaints from both my mother and Hailey, I persisted on helping Hailey put on her scarf, securing it around her neck. Of course this wasn't the first time Hailey has been the one to sell the charcoal for the family but I couldn't get rid of this sense of... worry or paranoia. I tried to shake off the feeling as I picked up my younger sister, Bethany, as I stood at the door with my mother. We watched Hailey wave us goodbye and descend down the mountain. As a final 'goodbye', I called out to her.

"Be safe and hurry up, ok?"

I could only see Hailey looked at my direction, a wide grin on her face as she gave a thumbs up in response. Then, she disappeared from view, heading towards the village.

That was the last time I saw her that day.

I laid in bed the rest of that day, feeling like absolute shit really but that didn't stop be from constantly asking whether Hailey has arrived yet. My mother reassured me as best as she could that Hailey was fine and that perhaps she got worked up with helping everyone in the village which was something that Hailey would do. And so, I ignored my worries.

Night came around soon after, knowing old man Saburo, he stopped Hailey in her tracks from returning home insisting that it's dangerous and 'demons' will be there. I scoffed to myself at the though. Demons? They're just tales parents tell their children so they don't stay out at night, it's complete nonsense. The idea of them existing wouldn't leave my mind though... What if they did exist? My thoughts kept me up at night, leaving me to toss and turn in my futon but I quickly stilled at the sound of snow crunching outside of our home. Was it Hailey? A bear? I held my breath as the sound only drew closer before they came to a stop, right outside the front door. A bear was out of the question, the footsteps too similar to how a person would walk. It couldn't be Hailey she would have come inside already.

Before I could debate with myself any longer, the door creaked open.

POV: Luke

The day before, Hailey had come down to the village, selling her family's charcoal for Zander since he had gotten quite ill. I didn't get too much conversation with Hailey as the entire village seemed to have wanted some help from her. The news of Zander being sick gave me the bright idea to visit him tomorrow to cheer him up, after all the two of us have been dating in secret this past month so seeing him again wouldn't hurt.

This morning I decided to set off, up the mountain as early as possible just to surprise Zander. As I carefully stepped through the snow, I couldn't help the giddy feeling at the thought of seeing how surprised Zander would be at my sudden visit. A wide smile was plastered on my face as I sped up my pace, traversing up the mountain. I knew the path like the back of my hand as I started to approach the house. Just as the house entered my view, something caught my eye. It was difficult to tell exactly what it was, but it seemed like there was blood outside the door. At the realisation, my eyes widened as I ran over to get a clearer view of the tragedy before me.

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