Chapter 4, the squad

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(Your POV) saturday, 15th of september

The game is almost at the end, only 2 minutes left, and we're behind. Our coach asks for a time-out. ''Alright girls, it's 102-99. The game is not done yet. I want you all to defend like your lives depend on it. And Y/n, you're taller than the rest, get those rebounds and bring us home, yeah?'' he tells us, we lay our hands in the middle of the circle on each other's. ''One, two, three.'' The Coach counts, ''Go, Higgs!'' we shout and run back on the field. The other team, Bachum school, has the ball. We go to our men, and we don't leave their side.They can't easily pass or dribble, since we don't let them. The girl who has the ball shoots a 3-pointer. As soon as the ball leaves her hands, I run to the basket. The ball hits the ring, but bounces off, she mist. I jump in the air, and grab the ball. As I come down, do I see that my teammates keep the defenders away from me. ''Go for it!'' I hear my coach shout. So I start dribbling as fast as I can. At the basket, do I see a defender waiting for me. I don't stop, I won't stop. So I keep going. I take two steps, bring my hand up, and let the ball go. But as i do that, does the defender's hand punch mine away. The referee blows the whistle, but my ball was already shot, and it goes straight through the net. I scored. ''You get 2 free throws,'' says the referee. ''Nice shot, Y/n!'' Susan claps me on the back, so do Barbara and Tina. I stand behind the free throw line and get the ball. I take a deep breath, if I score this one, it's a draw. I bring the ball on my right hand, with my left one on the side of the ball. I stretch my arm and let the ball go. The ball flies through the air and falls in the net, not touching the ring or the board. It's a draw! I get high fives from all my teammates. ''Girls, we're gonna do Brooklyn!'' the coach shouts at us. Brooklyn is a code name for full court defence. I get the ball again from the referee, for my second free throw. It's now 102-102, if i make this, we are leading. Once again, I make sure I'm standing behind the line. I place the ball on my hand, stretch it, and let the ball go. I already feel that i'm missing, so i run for the basket, jump up and grab the ball as it jumps up from the ring. I land a bit right of the basket, with the ball in my hands. I throw it against the upper corner of the black square on the board. Through there, it goes on the net. And because this is a rebound and not even a free throw shot, it's worth 2 points. Everyone cheers as I score. We're leading with 104-102. ''Brooklyn! Brooklyn!'' the coach, Mr. Taylor, reminds us. I go to stand with the girl that I defend, and don't let her leave my side. They pass the ball around, but don't get far. There's 15 seconds left. The girl I'm defending gets the ball, but I'm way taller than her, and she can't really throw it anywhere. She tries to throw it over me, but I grab it out of the air. I simply smirk at her as I hold the ball. I dribble slowly away, but still very aware of the girls trying to get the ball. With only three seconds left, I stop dribbling, hold the ball in my hands and hear the bell go off, we won. All my teammates come towards me, and we all hug and cheer as a group.

''Hey, i'm home!'' I shout upstairs, where I presume Nick is. Sarah is having dinner in the city with a friend, so we're home alone. ''Hey!'' I hear Nick coming out of his room and walking down the stairs. ''Did you win?'' he asks me. ''104-102, fuck yeah!'' I smile. ''Shit! Nice! Did you score?'' I think for a second. ''I scored, yes. I made 40 points.'' I bring my glass of water in the air, to toast for myself. ''You did not.'' he asks, disbelieving. ''Oh, yeah i did.'' he claps me on the back. ''I did not know you were that good of a player.'' he shrugs. ''Oh, but i can never be as good as rugby king Nick Nelson, here.'' i say sarcastically, he sticks out his thoung. ''Do you have any plans tonight?'' he asks, ''Obviously not.'' ''Great, would you be okay with it if the squad comes by?'' ''Of course they can! Who are 'the squad'?'' i ask, not knowing who the fuck he's talking about. ''Oh sorry. Well, you know Charlie, Tao and Aled.'' i nod. ''There's also Tara, Darcy and Elle. They go to higgs as well, but they are in my year.'' he explains. ''Yeah, sure. I'll just be in my room, then you guys can hang down staires.'' I place my glass in the sink. ''No, your also gonna be downstaires. We all want to hang with you. The girl want to meet you and the boys like you. After tonight, you're gonna be in 'the squad'.'' he says, with a very dramatic flair. ''I can't believe i'm gonna be in 'the squad'.'' i say, drying my fake tears with my hand. ''Haha, funny. But you're gonna like them, i'm sure.''

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