Chapter 29, new dynamic

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A/n: Sorry that this took so long guys! I don't have access to a laptop or computer right now so I had to wright most of this chapter on my phone which was a bit chaotic. Anyway, hope you enjoy it again! Love, as usual, Rose

(3th person POV) Friday, 26th of April

It was Charlie his birthday tomorrow, and he was having a little get together with his friends tomorrow night. So obviously, he asked Nick and Y/n to help him do some shopping for it. And forces Tori to come along as well. Unfortunately though, his parents forced him to take Ollie  as well.

Charlie, Tori and Ollie were waiting in front of the supermarkt in town, waiting for Nick and Y/n. Who were late, which isn’t that weird because Y/n wasn’t the best in being on time, but still, they were late.

‘’You already know what you want to buy?’’ Tori asks Charlie bemused, while he is holding Ollie's hand. ‘’Don’t be so grumpy. You should be thankful I asked you to come along.’’ He tells her with a shrug. ‘’Thankful? Really?’’ she eyes him distastefully, ‘’Yes, really. First of all this way you do something outside of your room, and secondly, Y/n is coming as well.’’ he listed, ‘’I do plenty of stuff. And I saw Y/n just this morning at school.’’ She answers, ‘’That’s true, but you’ve had a haircut since, it’s a whole new dynamic.’’ He sings songs, ‘’It will not be-’’ She stops herself as she sees two figures on a bike coming their way. ‘’Is that them?’’ She asks, squinting her eyes.

Charlie follows her eyes, and let’s out a chuckle, ‘’What the fuck.’’ He states, to which he earns a gasp from Ollie, ‘’Don’t tell mum.’’ He quickly says to his younger brother.

And indeed, it appears that the two figures are indeed Nick and Y/n. Nick looks like he’s bloody terrified, and Y/n looks like this is the most normal thing to do. As soon as they come to a stop close to the Springs’ Nick basically jumps off immediately. ‘’You are such a baby.’’ Y/n tells her cousin as she gets off the bike herself.

Charlie is quick to let go of Ollie’s hand as Nick lets himself fall on Charlie, hugging him tightly, ‘’That was the most terrifying thing ever.’’ he says dramatically. Y/n looks at Nick, and so also at Charlie, Ollie and Tori, ‘’It was not-’’ But before Y/n could even finish her sentence, she falls over her own feet, only able to just catch herself and her bike just in time, to which Nick and Ollie of course have to laugh.

‘’You okay?’’ Tori asks unamazed. Y/n walks up to her and lets go with one hand of her bike and starts touching Tori’s hair, which in turn leads to an amused snort from Charlie and a suppressed laugh from Nick. ‘’I asked if you were okay.’’ Tori repeats, ‘’Your hair.’’ Y/n only answers. Tori rolls her eyes and smacks Y/n’s arm, which finally gets her out of her daze. ‘’What? No, yes. Sorry. You cut your hair.’’ Y/n states, fully back into the real world again. ‘’No shit.’’ Tori raises her eyebrows. ‘’It’s so h-cool.’’ Y/n smiles lightly.

Tori smiles lightly back in return. This was an absolute funny shit show.

‘’Where are we going first?’’ Nick asks, ‘’Just the shop for food and drinks.’’ Charlie answers, grabbing Nick’s hand and walking in with Tori and Ollie following behind. Y/n quickly locks her bike and catches up with Tori.

Tori can’t help but smile as Y/n falls into step with her right away. Ollie, of course, is having a crisis. He can’t decide if he should walk next to Nick or Y/n. Eventually he decides for Nick, which leaves Tori and Y/n somewhat alone as they follow the other three around the store. ‘’So how come you decided to cut your hair?’’ Y/n asks, to which Tori shrugs, ‘’I don’t know. I just decided and did it.’’

Y/n smiles down fondly at her girlfriend, ‘’I think it really suits you.’’ Tori intertwined their hands. It’s a bit strange to Tori, how could she still possibly like a girl that much, after so much time has gone by already.

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