Chapter 7- Touya Todoroki

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"T-Touya?" Shoto stuttered. I was in shock. Before we knew it both me and Shoto launched ourselves at Dabi and hugged him tight.
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I said as heavy tears rolled down my face.
"WE LOOKED FOR YOU FOR MONTHS," Shoto said also crying.
"Hey its alright, im here now," he said soothingly and he pulled us tighter. We both sobbed into his shirt for what felt like hours. We ended up sitting on Shoto's bed all together.
"What, what happened?" I asked
"W-where were you?" Shoto questioned
"Why didn't you come back to us?"
"I dont actaully know, all I remember is waking up in a all white room a month ago and I was searching for the house, there was a bunch of machinery and stuff." Said Dabi. It was now I got a closer look at him I noticed, his hair was white and had red streaks his scars were also really faded and I could barely see them.
"Your scars..." I whispered.
"Oh right, I started using my ice quirk instead of my fire and my scars all healed up,"
"Ice quirk? Your like me??" Shoto said shocked, "Then why, but-"
"It only developed right before my reveal,"
"Oh, well, I love you Touya and I've missed you so much," said Shoto, tears threatened to fall from his eyes again.
"Hm?" I was deep in a trail of thought. If there was machinery with Dabi, a white room, no one there and he had been gone for months there was one plausible explanation.
"Didn't AFO disappear at around about the same time Dabi did." I said my tone dark, "He must've recovered from my brother's attack but been heavily weakened by it. My guesses are he took Dabi whilst our boy was in a coma from the burning, he helped Dabi heal and was planning to use and manipular him for whatever plan he had to hurt more people," I say.
"You know, your right, I knew i recognised the mask in the room somewhere, he must've been letting me train up my quirk so i was stronger and more susceptible to manipulated," Dabi said.
"Doesnt that mean he'll come for you?" Said Shoto. I saw fear flit across his face. I shook. I hated AFO, he was terrifying, he would manipulate people and use them like puppets, he would be pulling the strings and everything went his way.
"We have to get to UA," I stood out into the garden.
"BLONDIE!!" I screamed and told Touya and  Shoto to scream it with me. I heard the rev of a loud engine and within two minutes Sero dropped down in front of us, followed by the Bakusquad.
"What do you need!?" Said Denki fearfully. I pulled him tight.
"He's back,"
"Who? Touya?? Yeah he is right there?" Said Denki confused. "Also nice to see you bro," he did this handshake thing with Touya.
"AFO," said Shoto darkly. We all froze.
"Get in the car."
Bakugou was sitting on the hood of the car with me, Sero and Kirishima were on the roof, Denki was driving with Mina on his lap, Shoto was in the front passanger seat and the others sat in the back, no one had seatbelts and Denki was speeding like crazy. He was going like 160mph in a 30 zone. We were being chased by police but Denki just crackled with electricity charging the car faster.
"POLICE PULL OVER IMMEDIATELY!!" The sirens were extremely loud.
"THATS IT," yelled a frustrated Denki. "6.4 million volts!" The car began speeding like crazy. Bakugou was helping make it go faster with his explosions meanwhile Sero was making sure we didnt hit other cars by steering with his tape. Mina and Jirou were trying to explain to the police it was an urgent hero reason.
"OI YOU!" Bakugou yelled. "IMPORTANT HERO BUISNESS SO FUCK OFF AND LET US INFORM ALL MIGHT!!" when he stopped using the explosions the car swerved.
"We're gonna crash!" Mina started laughing.
"WOOO!" Denki said slightly standing up.
"DENKI THE CAR!" Shoto screamed at him.
"IM GONNA DIE AGAIN!" Said Dabi laughing.
We were right about to crash into a building when my instincts took over. My brother was still making explosions. I jumped infront of the car and pushed it in the direction it was meant to go. They were speeding off anf I ran and jumped on again.
"WOAH!" exclaimed Jirou.
"Himiko was always fast and strong, nothing to do with her quirk, just training." I heard Touya say.
My hands tingled again and they began to spark. I smelt like caramel again.
"Himiko..." Katsuki said breathily then there was a massive bang. I had made an explosion. I had gotten another quirk. I looked at my hands in awe. They were torn an bleeding but I was having too much fun to notice. Both me and Katsuki were propelling the car forward. I hoped Sero would be able to keep up.
"THE BATTERY IS OVERHEATING!" Said Mina calmly. We were nearly at UA.
"On it!" Shoto and Touya said in unison and they gently cooled the battery next to Denki with their ice quirks.
"Its too cold now!" Said Jirou.
We all stared in awe, this was way past his limit.
"UMM GUYS, WE GOTTA SLOW DOWN NOW!!" I said as we were about to speed right into Izuku.
"DEKUU!!!" My oldest brother yelled.
"AHH KACCHAN WHAT THE HELL!" Is all he had time to say before Katsuki picked him up and sat him with us.
"MIDOBRO USE YOUR BLACKWHIP TO HELP SERO!" Said Kirishima who was holding Sero in place with his hardening activated. Izuku nodded and climbed up onto the roof with them.
"MINA GO SIT WITH SHOTO NOW! THE CAR WONT STOP" Said Denki with the battery wires stuffed in his mouth. Shoto kept Mina in his lap right as we were about to crash into the dorms. Me and Katsuki jumped in front and put all our strength into stopping the car. The car screeched to a halt and im pretty sure my arms broke.
"My arms!" Katsuki gasped right as there was a massive snap noise.
"Mine too!" I shuddered.
"KAMI TURN YOUR POWER OFF!" Kirishima yelled at him.
"I CAN'T!" Denki screamed. He shook violently and Mina had to tugg the wires the wires out of his mouth.
"AK THATS GONNA BE A NEW LIGHTNING SCAR!" She winced. I got angry, both my brothers and their friends were hurt. With one final push the car went backwards by a meter. I pulled Denki close to me with my broken ass arms and ignored the excruciating pain I got from his powers. Soon he calmed and his quirk stopped.
"LETS GO TO NEZU NOW!" Sero said. We were all injured in a way or another. We ran all across the campus and ignored Iida's yells as we ran past him. My legs almost buckled under all the pain. The others looked ill and most of us used our quirks too much. We burst right into Nezu's office even though he was in the middle of a meeting.
"WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT VILLAINS HERE!" Aizawa said turnig on his quirk. I almost fell ontop of my youngest brother (Denki).
"FUCK IT AIZAWA LISTEN TO YOUR STUDENTS!" I yelled extremely loudly. Everyone flinched.
"AFO is back, we found Touya we're not villains anymore and we need you to put up all security measures, he is looking for Touya so he can brainwash him," I said shaking with anger and pain.
"I think we broke our arms," Mumbled Katsuki.
Sero was being carried by Kirishima and we were all worn from travelling across 2 towns at top speeds with help of out quirks.
"Aizawa sensei," Izuku said. "I dont know what they mean since they nearly ran me over and thats why im here but there hasnt been any villain crimes for 4 months, i dont think they are lying."
"Please," I said, i was almost crying now. "He is gonna kill everyone we care about and demolish Japan, he doesn't give a shit about other villains, Shigaraki is at the Todoroki household with his boyfriend but there is no guarantee that anyone is safe,"
"Let us join UA," Dabi said.
"Excuse me!" Said Midnight spitting out her tea that Nezu gave her.
"Think about it,  I have a powerful quirk so does Boss and Himiko has two powerful quirks not to mention we are the top 3 villains, if we were heroes your chances of winning would be highly increased." Touya pressed.
"Ok," Nezu agrees, "You start tomorrow and your joining 1A,"
"WHAT!" Said Mid*vour who was here too.
"Kill yourself you hobo," I said giving Mid*vour the middle finger.
"You brat!" He said standing up and towering over me.
"What you gonna do huh? What you gonna do? Abuse me like you did your kids!" I said pointing at Shoto and Touya. Sparks crackled in my torn hands and he backed away.
"Thats what I thought," I spat.
"You will all receive detentions for your driving but Toga, Touya go get your things and join the dorms and inform Tomura," Aizawa said, opening the door for us to leave.

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