Happy Unicorns and Fluffy Bunnies

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.."dude you kept bragging that you wanted to do this. You claimed that you were just as tough as me. Did you not?"
"Hmm that's so interesting.."
"What is?"
" I can still hear your bullshit from way up here.. how peculiar.."
"Ha. Ha. But seriously weakling, come on."
" Stirling, shut the fuck up before I fall, die, and haunt your dreams. Besides. I'm more of a bad ass than you'll ever be."
"..you? die? ...is it my birthday already?"
"...alright. That hur- SHITTTTTTTTT!!!
"...im slipping...I'm sor....."
Let's back this story up a bit shall we? That escalated at a rapid pace.
How shall we begin this tale? Yatzi! I got it.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak..nah.
It was a dark and stormy ..what is this, Disney?
I think I'll keep it simple.
My name is August, August August, because why would I say my last name? Dum Dum.. Anyway, I'd like to tell you all the story of how I died. Just fuckin with ya..in a serious way.. Seriously.
Have you ever went down the rabbit hole of your thoughts.. and realized the dead body had your prints on it...FOCUS AUGUST DAMN IT!
This isn't your average cliche boy meets girl, pretend to hate each other but secretly wanna bang-story. Though, we all love a little smut.
It's not a story of a girl meet bad boy, get shot, life happily ever after story. Though, we all love death. No? Just me..alrightyyyyy then.
My story is of a girl, a stubborn, stubborn, god you can't begin to fathom the level of stubbornness this chick is on, I mean my god. This is my story.
"Is someone trying to get my attention?" I thought.."nahh, I doubt it". I continued to walk along my merry path of merriment until I heard the cry yet again. " hey !" shouted the anonymous obnoxiously sounding voice.
Looking like Bambi when his mother got shot, I darted my head around in search for the mystery caller. In this case they were mystery callers. who happened to be two Starbucks baristas trying to grab my attention.
"Hey, I like your shoes. Where'd you get it?" said one of the baristas.
"Umm..seriously?" I asked dumboundedly .
"Yes. Where did you?" the tall one said chuckling between words.
"I don't know, my sister got them for me. I've always found them repulsively ugly though". Walking into the cafe to wait for my train the baristas continued to bump gums with me.
I can't remember what the other barista looked like but I couldnt help but notice the guy that was 6'2. Lets be honest, tall guys are awesome. He has short black undercut styled hair that resided under his horrible uniform hat that was hilariously too small for his head. A black uniform collared shirt that showed off his muscles. I was not complaining. His eyes appear to be hazel. Not realizing I was staring I was snapped out of my daze when I heard him begin to speak.
" I notice you come here a lot, are you waiting for someone?" he asked. "Nope, just waiting for my train. Do you take the transportation here?"
"Yea, I do. But I don't think we take the same one."
"Speaking of trains, I have to get on mine" I hurriedly declared. "Hey by the way, whats your name?" I asked. "Sterling, my name is Sterling". "But you can call me Ling Ling". "Ling Ling?..Seriously?" "Haha no, dum dum. Not seriously. Now get out of here". " Don't tell me how to live my life Ling Ling" I said with a smile. As I made my way to the train I hear a familiar voice shout, "whats your name?" " World secret." I shouted back and with that was off.
As I sat on the train the previous events of the evening continued to play in my head like a slide show.
"Sterlinggg...STERling..sterling" I continued to say to myself trying out the name on my tongue. He actually really looks like a Sterling. I like that name. Man if people knew what went on in my thoughts I'd be a total creep.
As I got off the train it began to rain. "Fuck. Fuckity fuck shit mother fuckin shit. Darn, dagnabbit." I declared to myself as the weather got significantly worse. With a quarter mile left to walk I made the conscious decision to enjoy the rain.
"STANDING OUTSIDE WITH MY MOUTH OPEN WIDE!" screamed the mystery voice behind me. I darted around to see a tall guy, about 6'4, towering over me. He looked very edgy. I noticed he was dressed in all black. Black coverse, black jeans, black T-Shirt that showed off his strong arms, black necklace that donned a pair of wings, medium length black hair dripping water down his face. His eyes I noticed, were a beautiuul shade of blue.
"Who are you." I said strongly refusing to show weakness.
"Only your friendly neighborhood spiderman" he said smugly leaning down closer to meet my face. "Oh, that sounds fan-fuckin-tastic spidey. But, if you don't mind, i'll be off." Turning around to continue walking the mystery guy grabbed my bicep turning me back around. " I do mind." he said. "Bruhhhh you got two seconds to let me the fuck go." "Fiestyy" he said dropping his hand from my arm. "You've always been so feisty" he repeated removing the wet hair from my face. "Excuse me? Who are you and how the fuck do you know me?!" "Tsk tsk" he said shaking his head. "Language my dear." On that note I felt it was my que to get the fuck out of there. I turned and began to run in the opposite direction. Raindrops stung my face like a thousand bees as thunder rang through my ears. Lightning flashed across the sky. The only illumination in the night. The three combined, mixed with fear and panic sent adrealinine pumping through my blood stream. Despite the rain my senses were much sharper. I turned around and noticed I wasn't being followed. I turned down another street, and then made a left. I paused to catch my breath and to check once again if I was being followed.
I felt a pair of hands roughly grab my shoulders and whip me around.
"HELPPPP!!!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could. "LET ME GO! SOMEBODY HE.." Before I could continue my cry for help hands found their way over my mouth, muffling my cries. At this point I couldn't tell if it was tears running down my face or the heavy rain. The mystery snatcher dragged me down an ally, I was so certain I would end up on a milk carton. He pushed me against the wall placing one arm on either side of me. He leaned down to meet my height. To him, my 5'2 frame was like a dwarf. Pushing his hair out of his face he stared me directly into the eyes. Edging closer and closer to my face, my heart rate picked up. "What is he gonna do to me" I thought to myself.
Silence. Stillness. Nothing. He did nothing. Just stared at me, analyzing every square inch of my face. Suddenly he slowly raised a hand placing it to the side of my face. "Boom-biddy-bah-bah-drrrah-tah-tah" said my irregular ass heartbeat. I'm frozen in time. With only a thin strip of air dividing our lips I could feel the coolness of his surprisingly steady breath.
"..are you going to hurt me?"..I whispered softly. "what do you want with me?.."
He smiled at my questions."sweetness, shut up."
As he leaned in to kiss me I darted under him. This time sprinting until I got home. I burst through my front door, darted into my room lock and bolted my doors and windows. My room was high up so there was no way in hell anyone would enter through the window. That was a sleepless night for me. The events of the day kept rewinding through my head like a broken record player. This day was intriguing. Can't wait for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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