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You're tasked with hunting down the squadrons dispatched to re-intrude the Port Mafia HQ. You remain in your room, fitting the bulletproof vest over your chest after a quick shower, your hair still damp from the heavy vapour of hot water. You slot the magazine into your glock 34, check it through the top of the barrel, and aim it at the wall. You then toss it onto your bed, alongside the AR-15, its black strap like a python over your duvets.

As far as you know, they were after Mori Ougai.

Why? You didn't know. You simply were tasked to kill, and kill you will do.

You exit your room with a resounding click. Footsteps above your head already alerted you of the incoming intruders. You take a deep breath, adjust the strap of the AR-15 over your chest, and exhale. You need a cigarette but the nauseating smoke would be an alarm to the intruders.

"Christ," You mumble to yourself, hearing one pair of footsteps just around the corner. "Here we go."

He turns the corner. Before he can even process your presence, you clamp a hand over his mouth and slam him up against the wall. A quick karate chop to his neck is good enough to discombobulate him. You then flick out your scalpel from Mori and stab it through the spot under his chin, into the jugular.

When he falls limp do you snatch the scalpel out of his flesh.

"She's here!" A voice alerts you from the corner. You quickly kick the body for extra disrespect before running to the lifts, smashing a bloodied finger into the buttons as the door closes.


A bullet whizzes past your ear. Its heat sears you. You bring your glock and aim it through the closing slit of the elevator door. Straight to the head.

The elevator doors close, but not without half a dozen bullets protruding from its steel doors. You take a breather. Your hand, still bloodied, wipes itself against the side of your torso.

The doors open. You're immediately met with a fist to the nose, to which you quickly block it with your wrist. You fire your other fist into the torso for an uppercut. He coughs up spit and blood from the impact, his grip on you loosening as you put a bullet into his head. He falls helplessly into your arms.

"There she is!" One howls. You grab them by the arm poised for a punch and jab their crotch. Dirty play. They immediately keen over and you wrap an arm around their thigh and toss him behind you, your back hitting the floor.


A quick shot to another as they attempt to stab your chest. You scramble to your feet.

"Come out now!" You call out. More footsteps. "I don't got all fuckn' day!"

A burly man comes running out the corner. You pull out your gun and with glowing orange eyes, triggered by your ability, aim it at both his knees, and fire. Blood spurts out of the shots. He grunts, moans in pain, using his elbows to drag himself closer to you. Resistance is fierce in his eyes, jaw clenched, fists tightened.

"Oh, fuck off," You drag your leg back and strike his face like a football. You can feel the ripples of his broken nose drag up your leg like a snake. He cries out at the impact, voice muffled by the tapered ends of your pants. He groans at the pain, too busy wallowing in it like a shallow puddle to notice you pointing a gun at his head, and firing.


Your waist gets picked up and slammed into the wall from behind. Your temple smashes against the wall, and you let out a shriek. Of rage. You smash your head back so that the back of your skull collides with their nose, and their grip on you goes slack at the sudden shock. You wretch yourself around—aim your gun at their stomach, and fire. Blood explodes all around you like confetti.

The Wild Geese || DAZAI OSAMU/CHUUYA NAKAHARAWhere stories live. Discover now