First meetings

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Author's note:

Just a heads up that I believe the first chapter of this fic to be the worst so please read at least until chapter two before you drop it lol. You should find the chapters get better in form and content gradually and since this is my first fic it should be forgiven, right?                                               If you'll give me a chance thank you very much otherwise, well, I've dropped a lot of stories based on the first chapter

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When she finally arrived at her high school, miraculously evading all the puddles disseminated on the streets, she heard the bell ringing and just barely had enough time to throw her cigarette away, exhaling a last smoky breath, and had to enter the building along with hundreds of other teens.

Her first class was English so, after dropping her skate in her locker, she entered the classroom and found a seat in one of the last rows near her best friends and bandmates Elijah and Clay. They barely managed to greet each other because the English teacher's gravelly voice resonated in those four walls.

Mr. Evans repeated the speech he told every year, only changing how he referred to his students; this time it was juniors.

Lorelei couldn't be bothered with listening to the teacher's rant, she turned to the window and observed the parking lot, her eyes skimming over the cars, not caring about them, including a shiny silver Volvo.

The sun was covered by a thick layer of clouds, not letting any of the humidity permeating the air escape, the voices of her classmates made it impossible to hear the tweaking of the little birds that were perlustrating the outside for crumbs but, if Lorelei closed her eyes, her black eyeshadow the only thing visible now, she could still manage to imagine their sounds.

When the bell rang she got up from her seat and collected the bag resting by her old vans, with the temperature quickly dropping she would soon need to switch to her pair of black boots.

She went in a separate direction from her friends, having a different course than them.

The noise made by her steps mixed with the sounds made by everyone speaking, chewing, and typing, even some music could be heard because there was always someone who wouldn't care enough for others to use headphones.

All the different noises when separated from the others wouldn't bother but it was this completely random mixture of sounds that always threw her off and overwhelmed her if she was exposed to it for too long.

When she got to her History class she searched for a free seat and randomly chose one.

What she had failed to notice was a couple of weirdly still people sitting right next to her, one with black hair and a pixie cut and one with shoulder-length blond hair, both with very fair skin.

When the teacher arrived, a woman in her sixties named Ms.Wright, she made them do a roll call and Lorelei couldn't help but be drawn to the voice that had replied to the name Alice Cullen and she found herself meeting her eyes, they almost looked gold, she thought. Though the girl immediately averted her gaze Lorelei believed she had seen her lips move, it had happened so quickly that had she blinked she would have missed it.

It was the turn of the blonde guy to make his presence known to the teacher, his deep voice resonated in the classroom. His eyes locked with hers but he too turned away from her. They both seemed to be slightly uncomfortable.

Now that it was later in the morning Lorelei was finally able to pay attention in class, she started taking notes but the two ghostly figures still nagged her in the back of her mind.

While her heart was beating at a perfectly regular rhythm that of Jasper and Alice certainly wouldn't if only it still could do anything at all.

Alice had seen that girl in her visions for so long, only recently though, she had figured out exactly where she would meet her.

It didn't come as a surprise that her smell was particularly intoxicating and Alice was confident that Jasper, it was common knowledge that he was the one with more trouble resisting the urge, would be able to control himself, she would have seen it otherwise.

Just to be safe, though, neither of them was breathing.

Alice's hand traced the scars on his companion's forearm, his sleeve conveniently rolled up, to relax both of them. For some reason, they couldn't bring themself to ignore the girl and so they observed her, every single blink, every single breath, every single heartbeat. They were counting them, another distraction; when it was time to change class, they got to 986 blinks, 932 breaths, and 4383 heartbeats.

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