Your mistakes don't define you

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The elevator door opened and Jay walked into the hangar bay while holding some spare parts from Cyrus Borg. Almost as if on cue, the intercom rang as Cyrus Borg began to try and call his daughter. P.I.X.A.L stood up while her new skin was being welded onto her neck and winced in pain. Harumi put her hand on the samurai's chest and gently pushed her down so she was laying on the workbench again.
"I'll get it." Zane told his girlfriend as he walked up to the keypad and answered the call.
"How is she doing?!"
P.I.X.A.L sighed. "I'm fine father! Just a bit more work and I'll be good as new." She said as Nya finshed repairing her neck and put a tarp over P.I.X.A.L's chest and helped the one armed samurai take off the top of the nindroid's armor, shirt, and bra and placed them on a nearby table so she could work on her waist and upper stomach. Jay started to work on fixing her arm.
"Your stomach! Did that get burned too?! It's not bad is it?!"
P.I.X.A.L lifted up the tarp while still holding it to her chest. Her endoskeleton was still clearly visible, although in a repaired state. Nya was in the process of welding on her new metal skin.
"This is all my fault!" Borg said with tears in his eyes.
Nya pulled the tarp down as P.I.X.A.L looked at her father. "It's not your fault! Don't talk like that even for a second!"
"If I had treated Proto and the rest of the prototypes differently Proto would never have joined the Mechanic and you wouldn't be in danger!"
Zane interrupted Borg. "With all do respect sir, Ninjago would most likely be in danger regardless if Proto turned out the way she did."
"Just like when the digital Overlord hacked Borg Industries you are not responsible for the damages." P.I.X.A.L told her father.
"But I had no way of knowing that would happen! I built 15 sentient androids and scrapped 14 of them while locking the last one away alone with her feelings for nearly a decade! I should have known that she would be angry!" Cyrus was a sobbing mess now. "I could have prevented this but I didn't! Because of me people's lives are in danger! My own daughters's lives are in danger! All because of my selfishness and ignorance!"
Harumi spoke up. "I understand how you feel." She hesitated for a moment before continuing to speak. "You realize you did something wrong and that people have suffered because of your actions and all you want to do is take it back." Harumi sighed. "But you know that deep down you can't. And that's okay! A wise woman, your daughter in fact, once told me that there are two types of guilt. The kind that's a burden and the kind that gives you purpose. Let your guilt be your fuel. Let it remind you not of who you were, but of who you want to be. Draw a line in your mind, never cross it again. You have a soul. It's damaged, but it's there. Don't let your guilt take it from you." Harumi looked at P.I.X.A.L. the nindroid had a proud look on her face she nodded at her friend. Harumi turned back to Cyrus and looked him in the eyes. "She taught me that mistakes are a part of life. Everyone regrets them. But some learn from them, and some end up making them again. It's up to you decide if you'll use your mistake to your advantage." All eyes were on Harumi. Most with shock, but Lloyd and P.I.X.A.L's eyes were full of pride at just how far she has come.
She's right Cyrus. Don't let your mistakes define you." Zane said while he held P.I.X.A.L's hand as she leaned her head on his metal chest while Nya was finishing up her waist.
Cyrus Borg smiled. "Thank you, I understand now." He turned to his daughter. "P.I.X.A.L, after what you told me about Proto's actions during the fire I understand that redemption is not in the cards right now. But she's still your sister. Don't kill her please."
"Killing is always only used as a last resort. The goal is always to capture them. She and the Mechanic will most likely be scent to Kryptarium when we capture them."
"Tell them to say hi to Ultraviolet and Killow for me." Harumi smiled.
"Actually the two of them will be released early soon on good behavior." P.I.X.A.L informed her friend. Due to their part in defeating the Crystal King their sentences were reduced along with Fugi-Dove and Ronin.
"I still can't believe the Mechanic escaped in the first place. The man invited Ultraviolet and Fugi-Dove to join him and they reported him!" Kai exclaimed.
"And he still found a way out." Cole added.
"I need some time to think about all that's going on." Cyrus said.
"Talk to you later father." P.I.X.A.L smiled.
"Take care Pix." Borg said before hanging up.
"Your all fixed up P.I.X.A.L!" Jay said happily.
"Thank you." P.I.X.A.L said as she stood up.
Zane moved in front of his girlfriend, shielding her from his brothers's view with his body. He turned to his brothers and gave them a stern look. "Look away! Give her some privacy will you?"
Everyone looked away and P.I.X.A.L handed Zane the tarp which he then held up to create a barrier between her and the others. As she grabbed her bra and began to put it back on.
"Why are we looking away? It's not like you two have any bits-" Cole came to the realization of why the tarp was used in the first place. Cole turned around as the samurai continued to get dressed behind the tarp. "Zane, you guys have those parts?! We've known you for like 12 years now and you never told us?!" The earth ninja said in shock.
"First of all, it was never your business to begin with." Zane said while blushing a bit.
"And second of all, we prefer the term, automatically accurate." A now fully dressed P.I.X.A.L said as she stepped out from behind the tarp. She too was blushing.
"You seriously never noticed that sometimes Zane would specifically ask for Jay to help fix him. Or that sometimes P.I.X.A.L would specifically ask for me to help her?" Nya asked raising an eyebrow and putting her hands on her hips.
Cole blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, wait why didn't P.I.X.A.L ever ask for Zane's help with that?"
"Because when I do he gets distracted and flustered almost as soon as he tries to help." P.I.X.A.L giggled.
Zane's face was full of blush that matched the color of his eyes. "P.I.X.A.L! There's no need to call me out in front of my brothers like that!"
"I tease you out love." The samurai laughed as she pulled her boyfriend in for a hug.

A/N: One of my headcannons this that Dr. Julien made Zane as realistic as possible and when P.I.X.A.L rebuilt herself she made herself atomically accurate to be even more compatible with Zane. Because that would explain why she wasn't wearing any pajamas during that nightmare scene in season 11. Because if she wore her outfit from season 3 she would be partly exposed.

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