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"I think I'm going to be sick."

They all stared at Emmy, their faces filled with concern. Emmy held her stomach in pain while Zuri stood up to grab a small pouch of konjac jelly out of the fridge. She handed it to her. Emmy took it and tried to unscrew the cap but her hands shook too badly to get a secure grip.

"It's okay, Lei." Medea said, taking the pouch from her and unscrewing it with ease, "Just eat a little."

Emmy reluctantly took it from her and shakily brought it up to her lips before taking a small sip, all the girls watched in worry but she turned her head away; there was nothing she hated more than everyone watching her.

"You can keep practising, I'm just gonna sit for a minute if that's okay."

Nayoung touched her shoulder and tried to get Emmy to look at her, but she just turned her head more.

She was crying.

Suddenly, everyone gathered and all the girls embraced Emmy tightly, squeezing her in a tight hug.

"Please don't cry," Mei-yue whispered.

Chintara rubbed circles on Emmy's back, whispering to her that she was going to be okay and that she was strong.

This wasn't right, Emmy was the oldest and she was supposed to be the one everyone else came to when they were having a hard time but she felt like her entire body was just going to shut down. The lights in the dance studio were practically blinding and in every corner, the mirrors seemed to show every angle of Emmy's pitiful state.

"This is so stupid." Emmy groaned.

She stood up and faced the girls who were all worried about her.

"I'm just being dramatic, I'll be fine."

Qingyi reached for Emmy's arm but she pulled it away, shaking her head and telling her no.

No one knew what to say, these things happened to trainees and idols all the time, but none of the girls had experienced one of their own members looking so sick. But there was no use trying to get Emmy to stop; she would rather die than drag everyone down with her.

"Alright", Nayoung said. "Let's just try to finish this last step so we can get out of here before ATEEZ gets here."

Chintara smirked before Kamikko lightly smacked her on the side of the head before the girls busted out laughing.

"Oh come on~" Chintara whined, "We can at least look at them!"

"Uh uh," Kamikko dismissed, "Knowing you, you'll be thirsting over them with Mei-yue and we'll never get back to the dorms."

Chintara puts her hands up in mock defence, "It's not my fault they're attractive."

"Yeah, but it'll be your fault when you get in trouble for ogling them all day," Nayoung warned, giving Chintara a look. "Now, let's finish before they-"

The door opened and the sound of male voices entered the room. All the girls turned around and saw Hongjoong and his members saunter in for practice, not paying attention to the group of ten standing in the corner looking like they were in the middle of an illegal deal or something.

"Uh," Nayoung stood in silence as she stared back at her group.

"You guys are an hour early-" Jieun said, looking at the time on the clock.

"That clocks an hour behind," San said with a small laugh. "We're right on time, actually."

The girls all looked around, dumbfounded.

𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐙 | 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏 𝐀𝐅 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now