•After Show Confession• Error sans x reader

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Edited Image by me
Original art: by Jakei on Youtube
• After Show Confession •

2nd POV:
'I'm so bored.' You thought, you woke up from a nap to find Error missing. You assumed he was ether destroying an AU or having a fight with Ink. You sighed and looked at your soul as it was wrapped in Error's blue strings. You flopped on your back and looked at the string-covered ceiling. So many souls, all different colors, it was pretty in an indescribable way. "HeY, y/N!" You looked to the sound of your glitchy friend. "COm-E HEre." You smiled and complied; getting up and walking over to him. He was sitting on his beanbag and had a portal to UnderNovela on. You stood behind him leaving space for him. You watched the show peacefully for a little while before the strings around your soul very lightly tightened. You eyes widened and looked at Error. "What-" "YoU cAN sIT WItH ME You kNow." "It's fine Error I can stand up." You reply being as polite as possible. He grumbled and strings connected to the ones on your soul and dragged you onto the beanbag. You smiled, 'He's such a manbaby sometimes..' you leaned back against the beanbag with your hands on your thighs. The strings disconnected and you watched UnderNovela.

Error's POV:
They look so..amazing. The way their eyes sparkle in the light, the way their smile shines. The way their soul glows so brightly. It makes me want to, touch- NO NO No! Error pull yourself together, just watch the show. I hate the way they make feel but oh how I love it sometimes.

2nd POV:
You and Error finished UnderNovela after several emotional rollercosters. Now you sat in content silence, still in the same positions. You caught Error glancing at your hand when he wasn't working on something he had in his strings. "HeY, i nEEd to TElL YoU sOmEThiNG." Error said breaking the silence, "Ok go ahead I'm listening." You turned your body and attention to him as he stopped, seemingly figuring out how to put the words he wanted to put together. "I-uh," he paused, then took his strings and pulled a plush down. He held out his hand with the plush in a sitting form. It was a plush of you! Even down to the most minor of details, and it had a dark blue bow attached to it. "I LI-kE LIkE Yo-u y/N. WOuLD yoU-LIkE To be mine?" His face had a bright yellow hue to it as avoided your gaze and hid in his scarf. You took the plush in your hands and responded as he put his hand down, "Yes Error, I would love to be yours. You blushed and nuzzled the plushie. You looked back at him, his eyes were wide and his smile widened. "PUt yOur HAnd oUt FOr mE PlEAse." He asked and you put your hand out, trusting him completely. He took his hand and slowly wrapped his fingers around your hand. His glitching increased and his eyelights were replaced with the word 'ERROR'. His index finger started to run circles in your hand to seemingly calm himself; it took in every small texture of your skin. The tingling feeling from it was nice so leaned against the beanbag and smiled widely while playing with the doll. His hand suddenly squeezed yours, your eyes widened and you looked at your hands again. Error has now pulled your hand (and you) closer to himself, staring at it with an emotion you couldn't read. The yellow hue on his face was still very bright and noticeable. 'He has an idea, but what is it?' He then brought your hand close to his teeth and 'kissed' it. You blushed heavily and hid your face behind the doll. You weren't expecting him to even touch you; let alone THAT. Error then looked up at you and chuckled to himself even if his glitching was on the real high end of the scale. He didn't like the glitching one bit and put your hand back down and wanted to see what you would do now.

Your mind was running; you were not expecting Error even return your love BUT TOUCH YOU?! KISS YOUR HAND?! You must be real lucky. You laid your head back on the beanbag with your face still (badly) hidden behind the plush you. "I li-ke you too Error." You stammered out, "HEh i WAs wOnDErIng whEN yOu weRE gonNA SaY IT BAcK DoLlFaCe. AlSo, cAN I Hold YoUR HANd AGaIn BEFOre I gO To SLEeP?"
You nodded and held out your hand. You felt him grab it before also leaning his head against the beanbag.

The end <3
Word Count: 802

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