Chapter 20: What broke?

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"She keeps crying, Y/N. Please just hold her,"
Lisa says in panicked. The baby has been crying for around one hour despite four of them taking turn to hold her and coax her to sleep.

"No. I am tired too,"
Y/N stretches and rests on the bed lazily.

"Y/N, she only stopped crying when you hold her just now. Can you please carry her until she falls asleep?"

"Okay, fine. But one condition,"

"What is it?"
They would do everything just for the baby to stop crying at this point.

"Next time, listen to your wife. When I say no, it means no,"

"Okay! Can you hold her now?"
Lisa begs. Her arms are getting numb.

"Give her to me,"

"Is she an item or something?"
Jennie laughs.

"All of you out of here now,"

"But I want to watch the baby. She is so cute and so small,"
Rosé remarks.

"You are going to have three of them in the future,"

Jisoo corrects.

"What four?"
Y/N frowns and asks in a serious tone.

"You are our baby too,"
Jisoo explains. 

"Yeah, sure,"
Y/N gives her a fake smile and shifts her attention back to the baby in her arms.

After a while, the baby does fall asleep in Y/N's arms. Her wives are fascinated. They stare at Y/N like a god and Y/N only looks back at them tiredly.

"I think you need to sleep in other room today,"
Y/N whispers.

"Aw. Why?"
Jennie whines.

"They baby will sleep by my side. If all of you join on the bed, I think it will wake her up again,"

They stand up from the bed unwillingly after Y/N gives each of them a goodnight kiss. 

"Turn off the light on your way out,"
Y/N reminds them and yawns.

"Good night,"
They are not leaving yet though. Y/N with a baby beside her is such a sweet and warming scene to them. 

They have made it so far. 

They are very satisfied with what they have and they believe that it will get even better after three angels come along.

Two months later
Y/N has gotten used to all the discomforts. She is still trying to adjust to be a mother. Maybe it is true that not everyone is meant to be good parents. Y/N is worried that she won't be a good parents, which she has already talked to her wives about. They did reassure her but Y/N couldn't get rid of the doubt on herself so easily. 

Her wives have always coddled her and she doesn't have to worry about anything in their lives for most of the tim. They will do it for her. Now that they are having three babies soon, Y/N is starting to feel the burden on her getting heavier and heavier each day. She knows her wives will get all the daily things taken care of but the responsibilities of raising three children shouldn't just fall on the four of them. She is legally their parents too but if she is to be honest, she doesn't feel the motherly love kicking in yet. 

She is hoping that things will change when she sees them physically in the future. When she sees them, that's when everything will get real to her and maybe by then, she will finally feel the connections with the three babies inside her right now.

The day arrives very soon. 

Y/N is caught off guard. All her wives are caught off guard too. Thankfully, all of them happen to be at home that day. 

Y/N is making out with Jisoo when she feels the wetness gushing down her vagina. Her other wives are watching a series on Netflix. Jisoo was watching too but she got bored of it so she decided to do something else with her lovely wife instead. She happily let Y/N straddle across her laps and have their sweet little moment while carassing Y/N's pregnant belly affectionately. She didn't expect to feel the wetness on her laps though. 

" got me feeling extra wet today,"
Y/N is weird out too. 

She looks at her nightgown and touches the transparent part of it with a deep frown, not understanding how she actually gets more turned on today. 

"Woah, Jisoo~"
The other three thought Y/N is actually getting turned on. They smirk at Jisoo, 'complimenting' her for her good work.

Jisoo, on the other hand, doesn't seem as excited as them though. She continues to stare at Y/N's gown and when it finally clicks, she looks into Y/N's eyes with a concerned expression. 

"Y/N, I think your water broke,"

Ten minutes later
"What do we do? What do we do?"

"We haven't packed for her luggage yet!"

"Why is it so early? I thought it is only seven months?"

The other three are still panicking while Jisoo and Y/N have already begun to pack the luggage for Y/N and the babies. Y/N is scared too, actually. But the pain hasn't hit her yet. Thus, she takes the time to pack to distract herself for a bit. 

"Because it is triplets. That's why Y/N will be in labour earlier than expected. No worries though. Last time we went for checkup, the doctor said that the babies are in the healthy weight range to be in labour. They would probably want the babaies to stay in the hospital for observation for about two weeks but it is not a big issue. It is normal for premature babies to go back home some weeks later,"
Jisoo calmly explains.

"Y/N, you should sit down,"
Jennie walks to Y/N's side and holds her arms carefully.

"I don't feel the pain though,"

"Your contraction doesn't come in yet. It's okay. You should walk around for a bit. It helps to-"

"Unnie, can you just stop talking for a while? You are too nervous,"


Jisoo is nervous too. Her way of lessening her stress is talk. That's why she keeps talking. Because she is the only one who has medical knowledge in the house, she feels the responsible to be in charge of everything and makes sure that Y/N's labour will go smoothly. 

However, Y/N would love some quietness right now. Her brain has stopped functioning since her water broke. Although she may seem calm outside, she is just as anxious as everyone in the house right now.  

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