(Chapter 9)

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"So why did you call us for lunch, aren't you suppose to be helping Ovie with his therapy?"

My sister asked as me her and Zae sat at a booth together at some diner

"Y'all I done fucked up and I ain't even been working with Ovie for 48 hours yet"

"What happened??"

Zae asked me and I slouched a little bit

I'm embarrassed that I even have to tell them this but I need someone to talk to

"Y'all please don't cut my ass up after I tell y'all this"

"Bro just say it already"

Asian pressed and I sighed

"Ovie kissed me"

They looked at me with wide eyes

"And you pushed his ass back, right?"

She finna be mad with my answer

"I couldn't it was the heat of the moment type of thing"

They both shook their heads making me feel bad even more

"Jonathan you know better than this"

"Zae I know that already"

"Clearly your ass don't" Asian said ganging up on me

"Woah why the fuck y'all pressing me when that nigga kissed me first?"

"Because he's in a relationship and to make shit worse it's with Tae our god brother"

Asian lectured me making me roll my eyes mentally

"Look Jonathan all we saying is that you shouldn't have kissed him back"

Zae finished and I nodded in agreement

"Y'all niggas don't think I know that shit, I already feel guilty as it is"

"You should feel guilty but I'm not finna keep badgering your ass plus you grown now"

My sister said and I could tell she was disappointed and that shit sucks having someone you love be disappointed in you

"Anyways don't let that shit happen again unless that dude is single, we don't do no homewrecking over here"

Zae said and Asian agreed

"I know and imma just act like that shit ain't happen and finish helping him recover and than leave his ass alone forever"

"Forever sounds like a stretch especially if you still gonna be around Tae"

"Mmcht whatever y'all niggas knew what I meant


To say shit was awkward was an understatement

I was currently helping Ovie with some exercises and you could break the tension in here with a knife

He had tried to say something regarding what happened last night but I wasn't having it

"Okay so now you need to leave this ice pack on you for at least 15 minutes before we can go to the next exercise"

I told him and he nodded with a thumbs up

I was about to leave the room but he called me back


"Jonathan we're gonna have to talk about the kiss sooner than late..."

I cut him off because no the fuck we don't

"Listen Ovie we kissed that's it that's all nothing more and nothing less, let's not make it more than it has to be"

"Come on man, just sit down and talk to me"

"I already feel bad for going behind Tae's back okay, so could we please just drop this and stick to business"

Yes I was jealous of the relationship Ovie and Tae had at first but I changed because I couldn't do Tae like that no matter how fucked up he treated me

It just wasn't in my character to hate them especially when there wasn't anything going for me and Ovie

My delusions had got the best of me for real

"Okay Jonathan imma stop but just know I'm sorry"

"I accept your apology and I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kissed you back especially since you're in a relationship"

"Nah you're fine, I shouldn't have kissed you to begin with but could we not make things awkward between us, I really love your company"

He told me making me smile and I nodded

"Yeah of course"


"Jonathan have you heard from Tae?"

"Not since earlier, why?"

"He just hasn't been answering my calls or texts"

That's weird I thought

"You want me to try calling him for you?"

"Could you?"


He thanked me and I waved him off before walking somewhere that's quiet since he has the tv on

I called Tae and the first few calls went to voicemail and than the forth time I called he answered

Before I could say anything a voice came through

"What you want?, Tae busy right now"

I heard someone say while groaning and I hear faint moans in the back

My eyes almost popped the fuck outta my sockets

"Who the hell is you?"

I asked once I gained my composure

"His nigga, now what?"

"Nigga what's your name I don't care who you is to Tae I asked your dumbass a question

"My name's Sergio-fuck I'm bouta..."

Once I heard that I hung right the fuck up

Ouu I'm finna chew Tae ass the fuck up and here I was feeling bad over a simple ass kiss when his ass is over here fucking someone else

I made my way to where Ovie was and sat on a chair next to him

"He answered you?"

"No I called like four times but I left him a few messages"

"Oh okay thanks anyway"

I hummed as a way of replying


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