Chapter Six

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"Do you think I just dance and rap?," Namjoon called her on his day off.
"Nah. I'd like to think you do more than that. It just seems boring if you just do those two all the time," she laughed at herself, "I'm not on speaker this time, am I?"
"No, not this time," he laid back on his bed, "Sorry I haven't seen you in a while."
"It's okay. I trust that you've been working," something about the tone of her voice made him doubt her statement.
"I trust you've been studying and doing your work?," he sounded like a concerned parent, but in reality he just wanted her to finish school so he could see her more.
"Nam Joon," she bit her lip, "How old are you?"
"Twenty," he thought for a second, "one...twenty-two. One of those two."
"Have you ever thought about starting a family. You know," her voice wavered, "Any time soon?"
"I've thought about it. Who doesn't?," he looked over and saw Suga staring at him, "What's this about?"
"I was just thinking the other day and....if you want to go and find the girl you'll spend your life with now.....I would like to know about it."
"E," he sat up, "That's the future. Right now, you're what I want."
"Nam Joon," she slightly giggled, "You don't want me. What can I offer you?"
"Everything that you are," he watched Suga leave as the conversation escalated.
"If I give you everything, what will you give me?"
He thought, wondering what part of himself he hadn't handed over already, "Whatever you don't already have. I've given you all that I can, all I could. Whatever I've held's yours."
She fell silent, but her soft breathing told him she was still there, "You mean it? You won't leave like he did?"
"Of course I mean it- E, who left? What are you talking about?"
She huffed, "We need to talk."
She hung up and he pulled the phone away from his ear, staring at the screen before turning it off. She had something else from her past she wanted to bring up. He still hadn't learned about her brother that she'd mentioned so long ago...or her family in general.
He knew where she was, he knew what day he had off, all he needed now was clearance from their manager to go to her and Yuki's apartment. He'd ask tomorrow after their meeting.

"Manager-hyung," Namjoon stayed in the meeting room as the others left, "When we have our free day, I was wondering if you would mind letting me go over to Eui's. She said we needed to talk and I'm afraid of what that means."
"Oh, I'm afraid of that too," he laughed, "It's the universal sign for it's over. But, yeah, you can go. Don't let anyone see you, we wouldn't want the press annoying the poor girl."
"Yeah," he smiled slightly.
"It doesn't always mean she's breaking up with you," he reassured him, "She might just actually have some news."
"I hope so," he exhaled then turned and left, "Thank you."
"No problem," their manager went back to shuffling through papers.

Nam Joon woke up early and went to Eui's the following Saturday. He'd been worrying over her words for three days. Then what his manager added on didn't help calm his nerves either.
She wasn't there when he arrived, Yuki telling him her class started early today. The roommate let their visitor hang out in the absent girl's room for the entire day. Occasionally she checked on him and they had lunch on Eui's bedroom floor, silently watching cartoons on her television.
Before Yuki left, she turned back, "Eui....did horrible things. She stopped hanging out with those girls and was perfectly fine. She...was influenced...remember that and please consider it when she tells you."
"Tells me what?," he asked as she closed the door.
He turned the television off and thought for a second. What could his sweet, little Eui possibly do to make Yuki so-
"How long have you been here?," her voice cut through to him.
"All day," he stood up and stepped over to her.
As he got close to her she dropped her backpack to the floor, "I used to have a lot of sex," she crossed her arms and stepped around him as he froze in place.
"What?," he turned around to see her take a seat on her bed.
"I didn't have a segway into that, sorry it was so blunt," she criss-crossed her legs and slouched over, picking at her socks, "I mentioned something on the phone about another guy. He was who I expected to spend the rest of my life with. One day he just left me, saying he lost his intrest in me."
"What about what you said a minute ago?," he wanted an explanation for that more than her ex-boyfriend story.
"When he left," she sighed, "I started to hang out at parties, just for something to do. I met Haewon and Joo at one of them. Eventually we went to all of them together and I always ended up back at some guy's apartment or dorm. I used to drink, a lot, to numb myself. It was like the alcohol just made me stop caring."
Namjoon moved to sit next to her, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.
"Anyways," she huffed, "I saw myself in the mirror one morning and hated what was staring back. I....started college, spent less time with those two, met Yuki, moved in with her, we are," she held her hands up as a gesture to the timeline.
"How many guys?," he looked back her.
"I don't remember, more than a few, but less than twenty," she really didn't seem too bothered by it. She could talk about this more easily than her brother.
"So, like, more than ten?"
"Yeah," she nodded.
"E," he stood up and walked over to her window, "Why are you bringing this up now?"
"You said you wanted to stay with me. I thought you should know a little more about my past before you made your final decision," she sat up straight and shrugged.
He sighed then sat on the floor in front of her on his knees, "It's going to take me forever to get over this. You know that right?"
"I didn't think you'd choose to get over it," she slightly smiled.
Nam Joon reached out and grabbed her hand, "I've gone through too much with you just to throw out all this time we've spent together because of something you did in your past."
She looked down at his fingers locked with her own, "So you're really gonna stick it out to the end?"
"All the way," he smiled.
"Thank you.....for accepting matter what I do," she grinned.
Namjoon leaned forward and hugged her, "I like who you are now."
She laid her forehead on his shoulder and hugged him back, "I meant it when I said I love you. I wasn't planning on bringing any of this up that's not why I said it."
"I wasn't even thinking about it that way," he played with her hair.
"Well.....Yuki said you might remember that. I just wanted to clarify," she lifted her head from his shoulder.
"I never took anything you told me as a lie. I never will until I have to," he pulled away from her and wiped away a tear that ran down her cheek.
"I won't lie I promise. Hiding things from you is difficult, keeping a lie going might end me," she laughed a little bit.
"So, can you tell me about your brother? You brought it up so long ago and never really elaborated on it. Now I'm curious," he moved to sit next to her on the bed again.
"My brother?," she sat up straight and breathed in, "He....hates us. My entire family. There was one summer where he was in his room one minute the next he was downstairs trying to shoot my dad. After we calmed him down, he didn't remember anything. Long story short, we took him to a doctor and now he's in a psych ward."
"So, he's officially insane," Nam Joon brought his thumb to his lips.
"Yeah, he has a multiple personality disorder," she turned to him, "That's why he was always yelling."
"E, your life sucked. I honestly think everything you went through was terrible."
"Let's just...not mention it. We know about it, but we don't have to talk about it. Deal?," she held out her pinky.
He smirked and wrapped his finger around hers, "Deal," he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.
"I love you Nam Joon," she closed her eyes.
"I love you too," he placed his palm on her cheek.
She smiled and looked at him, seeing Yuki behind his figure. He noticed her eyes focused on something that wasn't him. He turned around and the roommate stood in the doorway.
"Are you still friends?," Yuki let her hand slip off the door handle. Eui looked back to Nam Joon, but he didn't turn to her.
"Of course we are," he reached over and held Eui's hand, "I need her."
That made Yuki smile and roll her eyes, "Exploiting your music."
He shrugged, "Maybe."
Yuki smiled then closed the door, letting them be alone.
After a long pause, Eui breathed out again, "Nam Joon, I have this thing next week, for my book, and I was wondering if you'd come with me? That is, if you don't have something to do."
"What kind of thing?," he tucked her hair behind her ear.
She smiled brightly then looked to her lap, "I'm possibly going to be published."
"E," Nam Joon grinned, "That's amazing."
"I just.....wanted you to be there, in case I actually do it. I want someone to hug mercilessly," her small giggle made his heart clench.
He couldn't stay mad at her, it was almost impossible when she was so sweet. He couldn't even imagine her going through with anything she said she did. She also said she was drunk when it happened, so it wasn't really the her he loved that did all those bad things.
"Tell you what," he took her hand in both of his, "I will see what I can do, and if something not too major comes up, I'll try to work my way out."
"No," she pouted, "Only come if you're absolutely free."
"Well," he sighed, "when are you going?"
"Thursday," she bit her lip.
He reached up to hold her chin between his thumb and forefinger, "We'll see what happens."
She smiled and slightly blushed, "Thanks Nam Joon."
"About what you said earlier....I want to forget it," he dropped his hand, "We know about it, but we don't have to talk about it."
"Really? You're just.....gonna let it go like that?"
He nodded and she threw her arms around his neck, "Thank you," she whispered.
He hugged her back, closing his eyes and relaxing for a while. After sighing he smiled, "Now, can I interest you in a birthday party?"

The company's new girl group had a maknae celebrating her sixteenth birthday so they wanted to make it big, like a sweet sixteen in America. The next day was the ceremony, and Eui agreed to come. She'd never met the five girls in the group so she was sure she'd act a little shy.
She was right, and after the maknae had gone she let out a big sigh.
"Poor little Eui," Namjoon pat her head, "It's sad that you're so shy."
"I know," she laughed at herself, "If I'm gonna be your girlfriend I should probably grow a backbone. You are a monster after all."
He smiled as she tugged on his jacket, straightening his attire, "I promise I won't eat you."
"Thank you," she giggled out.
Namjoon looked around and found the youngest of his group running into a room with the birthday girl, so he turned Eui around and pointed.
"Leave him alone," she looked to him with a slight blush, "He's still a kid, but it'll only last a little while longer. He should enjoy it. You on the other hand need to be more mature," she quickly pecked his lips then reached into her back pocket as her phone vibrated.
He looked over her shoulder and smiled, "Congrats E. You get to have a book published."

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