Chapter One

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We all know every guy has the perfect image of his dream girl, but they don't always find her exactly as they thought them up.
This was not the case this time. Namjoon's idea of a dream girl would be someone who looks good in jeans, a t-shirt, and red high tops, but someone who can also sing well.
The girl he saw across the room fit the appearance description and she seemed to be lip syncing with the radio playing.
Her friends were sitting across the table from her, laughing and talking, but she was lost in the song.
The boys had gone out for lunch at a diner their manager recommended and she came in a few minutes after the seven of them.
"I'll be right back," Namjoon stood up and started to walk over to their booth. He had his hood up and sunglasses on, so her two friends seemed suspicious of him at first.
He stopped next to the table and she looked up at him, "Can we help you?"
"Yeah I was wondering if I could sit with you," her eyes brightened at the sound of his voice.
Her friends gave her a look that said 'no', but she moved over as a 'yes'.
He looked back over at his fellow members and they seemed to be waiting for him to screw up.
"So," her black haired friend spoke, "What's your name?"
"Namjoon," he nodded and glanced at the girl beside him. She was resting her chin in the palm of her hand and smiling at her companions.
"Well," the other friend spoke, "I'm Joo," she pointed to the girl beside her, "This is Haewon and," she pointed to the last one, the one he was intrested in, "That's Eui."
"Nice to meet you," he nodded.
Eui stirred in the seat beside him and he glanced to see that she had crossed her legs, which he thought made her look cuter. His eyes moved to her face and she was silently singing again while looking out the window.
"I feel like we know you from somewhere," Haewon said bringing his attention back.
"Oh really," he smirked, "Maybe I look like a friend of yours."
"No," Joo shook her head, "Our friends don't look as good as you."
"Joo," Eui snapped.
"What? You told me to stop lieing," her pitch got higher as her sentence ended.
"But you don't have to be too honest," Haewon took over and Eui got lost in her mind again.
Namjoon looked back over to his original place and the guys were still staring especially Jungkook.
Just as Eui looked at him her phone started ringing. It was playing N.O. She reached over and picked it up then texted back.
"So, Namjoon," she reached up and pulled his sunglasses down when he looked at her, "It's really odd how you have the same name as you know who and there are six other guys sitting at your table."
"So you figured it out huh?," he took his glasses off and laid them on the table.
"Yeah," Eui blushed, "It was a little obvious. Besides," she smirked, "I can recognize you and Jin oppa anywhere," she whispered so no one else would hear.
Now that his glasses were off, he could clearly see her dark hair color: a mixture of dark and light brown.
He looked over and her friends were staring, their mouths hanging open.
"Again," Eui smiled, "Can we help you?"
He turned back to her and smiled as well, "Can I have your number?"
She smirked and grabbed a napkin and Joo gave her a pen.
She wrote it down and gave it to him, "I have writing class until five so, if you can call after then it would be great."
"Alright," he smiled and put it in his jacket pocket. He grabbed his sunglasses and left their table.
Namjoon sat back down in his spot next to Suga, held up her number, and finished eating.
"How does that work?," Jungkook asked his hyungs.
"Magic," Jimin said stuffing his face and grinning.

The boys went back to practice after lunch and it lasted for about another hour or so. By the time they got home it was eight-ish.
She had class until five, but he was wondering if she really meant for him to call.
As he was sitting on his bed, staring at his phone, it started playing his ringtone.
'Are you bored?,' Jungkook texted him.
Namjoon looked across the room at the maknae who waved.
"Why didn't you just talk?," he laughed.
"You looked lost in thought," he shrugged.
"Wasn't really lost," Namjoon stood up and stretched, "Just thinking about that girl from earlier."
"Still? What are the odds you're going to see her again?," Jungkook, although the youngest, thought rationally sometimes.
"One in a billion, but what's the harm in trying," he shrugged.
"Okay," the maknae shook his head, "By the way, Chinsun's coming over later."
"Do you guys have homework or something?," Namjoon made his way to the door.
"No, she's a friend too. Who says we can't hang out?"
"The minority law," the leader walked out of the room, postive he left Jungkook with a whole other perspective on his high school wonder woman.
Namjoon walked pass the other five members who were gathered watching cartoons.
"Hyung," Jimin looked back at him as he put his shoes on, "Where are you going?"
"I've got something to take care of," he answered, putting his jacket on.
"Don't stay out too late," Suga called before the door shut.
Rap Monster pulled his phone out of his pocket and went down the stairs. He also had the napkin she wrote her phone number on and he copied the numbers on to his keypad.
It rang as he circled down the flights of stairs and someone picked up as he got to the last set.
"Yabo?," Eui laughed into the phone.
"Hey," he said and immediatly she stopped laughing.
"Shh," she was apparently talking to whomever was in the room, "Turn the music off."
"Did I call at a bad time?," he asked, leaving the building he was in.
"Oh no, no, no. It's actually called," she sort of laughed, "Um, I didn't think you would."
"Tell him he's adorable," a voice not so quietly said in the background.
"I told you to be quiet," Eui giggled, "So, what can I do for you?"
"I was wanting to know if we could meet up," he kept walking down the street, "Maybe talk a little more than we did last time?"
"Oh, yeah, sure. Where?"
"At the diner?"
"Yeah, I'm close. I can be there in about twenty minutes," he heard a door open.
"Alright see you there," he smiled to himself. They said their goodbyes for the moment and he hung up.

He got to the restraunt a little after she did and she was sitting in the exact same place as before, doing the exact same thing.
"Hey," he slid into the seat on the other side of the booth.
"Hi," she smiled, "If you don't mind, I'm just gonna come out and say it, but I'm still confused on why you want to talk to me."
"Because," he didn't know what it was about her, but her confusion made her cuter, "I'd like to get to know you."
"But that's a relationship thing," she laid her hands on the table. He nodded.
"Oh," her hands fell to her lap, "Oh. Sorry, I'm not used to people," she took a deep breath in, "acknowledging my existence."
"Why not? I've spent a total of thirty minutes or less with you and I already think you're interesting enough to look in to," he laid his arms on the table.
She thought for a second and asked in a quiet voice, "There are no cameras right?"
"No," he shook his head, "Our manager doesn't even know I left, let alone a news crew."
"I'm just not used to people talking to me if we haven't known each other for a while," she laid her hands flat on the table.
"I might have found the only person who critisizes someone saying they're pretty," Namjoon laughed.
Her face turned bright red, "Sorry."
"I've figured something out about you," he sat forward in the booth seat.
"Really," she played with her hair, which fell a little under her breasts.
"Yeah," he smiled, "You're shy," she nodded.
"You probably don't want to talk me anymore, huh?," she looked down at her hands.
"No, I didn't mean it like that. It's cute," he said it before he thought it through.
"Oh okay," she looked out the window and blushed a darker shade of red, "T-Thank you."
He smiled at her as the conversation paused. Eui shifted under his gaze, still a little bit of red showing on her cheeks. He snickered and looked down at the table.
"I can't put my finger on it," he looked back up at her and scanned her once more, "I don't know exactly why I'm drawn to you, but you just....have something about you."
"Well at least you're honest," she mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.
He grinned, "You said you have writing classes, so what are they for?"
"That's just," she tucked her hair behind her right ear, "I want to be a writer; you know, like, books and things."
"Have you wrote anything lately?," he nodded towards the bag she had next to her that contained, what looked like, a journal.
"Yeah," she reached into the bag and pulled out the small book that had a lock on it, "A couple things actually."
"Can I see?," Namjoon asked politely.
"Sure," she turned a piece of metal to match up with the shape in the metal plate below it and pulled the strip of fabric over.
With that out of the way, the book could open and she slid it over to him.
He flipped through the pages, skimming over her stories, "These sound really good and I'm not even taking my time."
"Thank you," she reversed the opening process as he gave it back and felt a ping of confidence.
"Do you have a favorite book or story?," he watched her and when she caught him she blushed.
"No," she shook her head, "Unlike others I've always asked my teachers why have one favorite when you can accept them all."
"Valid," he agreed, "Do you," he looked around at all the people, "Want to go somewhere else?"
"Where?," she blushed.
"Just walk around," his eyes darted back to her. She nodded and they stood up.
Exiting the diner he put his hood up and sunglasses on.
"Do you always hide?," she looked up at him.
Now that they were standing side by side he noticed she wasn't as tall as he'd thought. The top of her head reached his nose so he could see over her.
"I have to if I don't want people constantly in my face," he looked down at her, "But I can make an acception for you."
"Thank you I guess," she smiled before looking down to the ground to hide her blush.
He smiled at her and mentally slapped himself. The reason he liked her was because she seemed so innocent.
"You don't have to be so nice to me," she looked back up, "I mean, you don't need to feel obligated to stay even if you called me."
"Wow," he replayed her words over, trying to catch it all, "You are a writer."
"What did I say?"
"All of that, just now, it sounded really proper and smart," he smiled as she turned a light pink shade.
"Sorry, I've been known to loose myself in words, or at least that's what my mother says," Eui smiled to herself at the memory of when she told her mom she wanted to be an author.
"You're something else Eui," he looked straight ahead of them.
"It's getting late, I should probably let you go home," she smiled at him then bowed, "It was nice meeting you."
"Hey, wait," he caught her arm as she started walking away, "Let me give you my number so next time you can call me and I can be nice."
Eui looked around then pulled a pen from her bag. She gave it to him and held out her hand.
He smiled and wrote the number on the back.
She nodded and turned to leave, but stopped herself and faced him again, "When...uh...when are you free again?"
"I don't know. I'll call whenever it is," he grinned and walked in the direction of the dorm.

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