Chapter Four

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Eui didn't know exactly where they were going, but she just told herself to trust him. Nothing about what he'd said or done in the past or present seemed to be going in an undesired direction, so she felt as if she could go anywhere and be fine.
"Are you okay?," he waved his hand in front of her face.
"Oh yeah. Sorry, I was thinking," she blushed, acknowledging the fact that he could have been talking.
"About hyung?," he looked to the pavement.
"No, it's not-," her blush deepened in color, "I wasn't thinking about him."
"It's okay if you don't like me that way," he turned his head to the side to see her, "I know-"
"Namjoon, I hate to sound rude, but I do like you that way," she smiled at him, "I mean I cried in front of you for god's sake!"
He smiled, "True, but feelings aren't that difficult to fake."
Eui thought about it for a minute, "There's a lot more to you than people see, Namjoon."
"What does that mean?"
"People see BTS as a group of strong, powerful, and sometimes violent guys, but really," she smiled and held her hands on her cheeks, "You're just a bunch of sweeties!"
He rolled his eyes, "Ha ha ha," he faked as she giggled and continued to walk next to him, "Thanks though. Most of our fans don't have the opportunity to really get to know us so," he shrugged.
"Stardom has it's ups and downs, huh?," she nodded as the wind picked her hair up off her shoulders.
"You could put it that way," then he thought of something else he wanted to bring up, "I couldn't help but notice that you aren't as shy around me anymore."
"I've gotten used to you and I call you an aquaintance when my roommate asks, " after a pause and a 'hmm', Eui started again, "So where are we going?"
"BigHit's office," he pointed to the building down the block a little, "Jin's with his girlfriend and I just wanted to get out of the dorm."
"If he's with her then don't you think they'll want to be alone?"
"She's the CEO. Sunhi probably has something to do," he brushed it off.
Eui reached over and grabbed his phone from his jacket pocket, "Call Jin and ask," she ordered and stopped in her place.
"E, I work here, I don't have to call to come in."
"Jin is part of your family and you should respect his privacy," she took hold of his hand and laid the device in his palm, "So don't barge in on him without asking."
"You act just like a mother," he smiled and turned his phone on.
"I need the practice if I'm going to have kids," she shrugged.
He shook his head and grinned then put his phone to his ear.
Eui stayed quiet and waited for him.
"Hey," he kept his voice low, "I know you're in Sunhi's office, so I was wondering if I could bring Eui over."
"Would Sunny kill me for it?," Jin laughed.
"Depends," Rap Monster snickered, "Is she there?"
"No, she's in a meeting."
"Perfect!," he shouted, "I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Wait where are you?"
"Outside, duh," he hung up and stuffed his phone in his pocket. Namjoon grabbed her hand and pulled Eui inside the building.
"Hey!," she giggled as he urged her to go faster.

In a few minutes he had successfully dragged her up to the building's top floor and down the hallway to Sunhi's glass office doors.
"Hey," Namjoon walked into her office.
"What are you doing?," Jin jumped smoothly over the desk, not disturbing anything on top.
"You said she was in a meeting," he shrugged and motioned for Eui to come in.
She cautiously opened the door and walked to stand beside him, "Hello Jin oppa," she bowed.
"Eui, I know you, drop the formallities," he smiled and then pulled his band mate over to the window, "You can't stay long. Sunhi's going to be back in a little while."
"Okay I'll stay for about thirty minutes," he estimated, "I just needed a quiet place to talk to her."
"I know the feeling," he glared at him.
"Right, sorry," Namjoon laughed and turned back to Eui. Jin left the room and Eui met Namjoon in the middle.
"So why are we here?," she asked, looking around although excluding the giant window wall.
"I wanted to talk to you, privately. I couldn't do it last time because Jung came back and no one left this time."
"What'd you want to say?," she peered up at him.
"I need to know if," he paused, "You want to tell the press, and basically the entire world, about our relationship."
"Relationship? This is- You think of me as a-," her mind was reeling and she blushed.
"You don't?," Namjoon was waiting for her to say sorry.
"No, I just...I've never had an actual boyfriend before so I just didn't know that we were....," she faded off and her blush darkened.
"You haven't?," she shook her head instead of verbally answering, "Why not?"
"I was never interested in the guys I grew up around. They were all jerks or I didn't like what they looked like," she smiled to herself, "I guess I should know better than anyone to not judge books by their covers."
"Sometimes the cover is what draws you to the book," he grinned, remembering why he walked over to her in the diner anyways .
"True," Eui looked up at him, "You can tell them if you want Namjoon, I don't really mind either way."
"Cool," he slightly smiled and leaned down towards her.
"Na-Namjoon," she blushed, "Are you sure? About me?"
"Of course," he smiled, "Why would I have any doubts?"
"Because I'm just not someone's first choice," she shrugged.
"I'm not just someone either," he raised an eyebrow.
Eui looked up at him, "I guess that's true."
"So, are you ready to go?," he couldn't tear his eyes away from hers.
"If you don't have anything else to achieve here," she shrugged.
"Nope I'm done," he started to lead the way out of Sunhi's office. Jin was sitting outside with his phone, playing games, and Namjoon said goodbye as he dragged Eui over to the stairs.

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